Bolsonaro: a common currency can stop socialist adventures in the region


The creation of a common currency for Argentina and Brazil can serve to put an end to "socialist adventures" in the region, said Friday the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro.

"This is a first step towards a dream," said Bolsonaro, who has just returned to his country after a brief first visit to Buenos Aires as president, where he was received by his Argentinian colleague, Mauricio Macri .

In a statement collected by the EFE agency, Bolsonaro said he was ready to receive criticism on the proposal to create a "real peso".

In the meantime, Brazil's Chamber of Deputies President Rodrigo Maia has questioned the proposal. "Will this devalue the real, the dollar is worth 6 reais, inflation coming back, I hope not," he wrote on his Twitter account.

The possible creation of a common currency between the two major economies of the Southern Cone became the unexpected axis of Bolsonaro's visit to Buenos Aires, even though it quickly became apparent in both countries that It was an immature project.

The Central Bank of Brazil has made it clear that she had no such project to study, the Argentine Finance Minister, Nicolás Dujovne, pointed out that it's only a matter of time. was a long process that required the order of the two countries, and Bolsonaro baderted until 2011.

The Brazilian is represented in the region as a president who confronts the left, populist and progressive governments with the utmost importance.


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