Bolsonaro accelerates reforms and privatizes twelve companies in four months


The Brazilian government has announced the privatization of 12 state-owned companies for what remains of 2019said the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedesin front of an audience of businessmen and executives in San Pablo.

"We will accelerate privatization", he promised and reiterated the goal that his privatization secretary, Salim Mattar, of reach an amount of US $ 20 billion for this concept in 2019.

Mattar is a mining contractor who runs the Ministry of Privatization and Divestment Ministry of the Economy from the direction of Bolsonaro.

Two weeks ago, He was confident to reach the goal $ 20,000 million for 2019 and even predicted that "This month should be achieved with the privatization of Petrobras de Liquigás"as he said Istoe Dinheiro.

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Deforestation affects the image of Brazil as well as Bolsonaro's attacks on Europe and increases the fear of an international boycott of Brazilian agricultural products, a sector that accounts for more than 20% of GDP.

What are the next ones?

During the election campaign, Jair Bolsonaro presented his proposal at a panel convened by the Post Office, which would now be privatized.

Emgea (Asset Management Company): It is a non-financial corporation related to the Ministry of Economy that manages the badets of the Brazilian State.

Mint house: Founded in 1694, it is one of the oldest public enterprises in the government.

AFB (Brazilian Agency for Guarantee Fund Guarantee): It is a state administrator of guarantee funds for sectors of strategic economic and social importance.

Ceagesp (San Pablo General Warehouse Company): Connected to the Ministry of Agriculture, is responsible for the supply of horticultural products.

Césamines (Minas Gerais Supply Centers): It functions as a storage center coordinator for various products.

Dataprev (Society of Technology and Information System of Social Security): It is an IT company that manages, among other things, the 34 million pensions.

CEITEC (Center for Excellence in Advanced Electronic Technologies): Semiconductor product and was founded by the Lula government to position Brazil as a relevant country in the microelectronics sector.

Telebras: It is the largest Crown corporation in the telecommunications field and provides technology and communications goods and services.

MailIt has been operating since 1663. It has a gigantic structure in more than 5,500 municipalities.

Lotx (Lottery): This is not strictly a business, but a lottery game mode.

CODESP (State Port of São Paulo): She is responsible for Brazil's largest port, Santos.

Serpro (Federal Information Technology Service): Develops technology solutions to support the government's strategic actions.

At the end of July, the portal IG reported that Petrobras is preparing a strategy to sell its distributors, taking advantage of a decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that authorized, in June, the sale of subsidiaries of public companies without Congressional approval. And sold 30% of its subsidiary BR Distribuidora for approximately 2300 million US dollars.

he President of PetrobrasRoberto Castello Branco, then indicated that The next subsidiary in sight is Liquigás, whose agreement is expected to be announced in August.

More mergers like Embraer-Boeing

Guedes hailed the merger of Embraer and Boeing, said it would be ideal for him to make more mergers of this type and recalled that the government is in talks with the United States and China with a view to concluding trade agreements.

"With the advancement of technology, those who do not modernize and have no ability to adapt, will be left behind," Guedes said.

In addition, he indicated that the government aims to decentralize resources to increase transfers to states and municipalities. And he also talked about reallocate 280 fundsby dissociating them from their specific purpose.

"It does not make sense to seal all the funds. (Justice) Sergio Moro needs 50 million reais to expand the National Security Force and has one." prison funds with 1500 million reais that can not be affected. This is foolishness, "he quoted Folha in Guedes.


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