Bolsonaro adds another duel: he pointed against Bachelet and claimed Pinochet


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, accused the former President of Chile and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, of interfering in Brazilian politics. Credit: REUTERS

RIO DE JANEIRO.- After the public fight last week
with the French president, Emmanuel Macron, for the increase of fires in the Amazon,

Jair Bolsonaro

accused the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,

Michelle Bachelet

, intervene in Brazilian domestic politics after the former Chilean president expressed her concern for democracy in the South American giant.

Michelle Bachelet, curator [sic] of the UN human rights, following the Macron line by meddling in domestic affairs and Brazilian sovereignty,
Brazil attacks the human rights agenda [de criminales], attacking our brave civilian and military policeBolsonaro wrote on Twitter after statements by the UN official in Geneva.

– Michelle Bachelet, UN Humanitarian Investigation Commission, after Linha do Macron in intruding our domestic affairs and Brazil's sovereignty, invading Brazil against a human rights agenda A man (bandits), attacking our precious civilian and military police. – Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
September 4, 2019

And on his Facebook account, the Brazilian president went even further: he claimed the coup d'etat of Augusto Pinochet in 1973 and recalled that his father, the Brigadier General of the Army of the air Alberto Bachelet, was one of the military. who opposed the overthrow of Socialist President Salvador Allende.

"He even says that Brazil loses the democratic space, but he forgets that his country is not a Cuba, thanks to those who had the courage to say enough to the left in 1973 among these communists, his father, who was then brigadier ". a point.

For his opposition to the military coup, Alberto Bachelet was arrested, charged with treason and tortured by his own war comrades. He died of a heart attack on March 12, 1974 after an interrogation.

The trigger

Earlier, at a press conference at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Michelle Bachelet stressed her concern over the situation in Brazil. He also condemned Bolsonaro's decision to commemorate for the first time this year the military coup of 1964 in Brazil, to the extent that, according to her, "
Denial of state crimes can help root out impunity and reinforce the message that state agents are above the law, "he said.

"In recent months we have observed a
reduction of the civic and democratic spacecharacterized by
attacks on human rights defenders and restrictions on the work of civil society, "said the High Commissioner for Human Rights. We told the government that it must protect human rights defenders, environmental advocates, but also consider unleashing measures of violence against them, "he said.

According to data from the agency, early this year and until June, at least eight human rights activists were killed in Brazil, most of them in property conflicts.

Bachelet, who questioned Bolsonaro's policy of liberalizing arms, also warned that since the arrival of the far-right president on 1 January, the number of people who died at the hands of police increased. He stressed that this violence is disproportionately suffered by the black population and the inhabitants of the favelas of the big Brazilian cities.

The Brazilian government has received numerous criticisms of the increase in the number of police deaths, but pointed out that its uncompromising crime policy has resulted in a 21% drop in the number of police deaths over the past four years. first months of the year. homicides, according to the Department of Justice.

Although he complained of "intruding" foreign rulers into the "internal affairs of Brazil", President Bolsonaro did exactly the same thing with other countries, including the US. ;Argentina. On numerous occasions, breaking completely with the tradition of respect for internal problems in bilateral relations, the Brazilian president tried to influence the Argentine electoral process by warning against the negative effects that this victory would have on the country and on its links with Brazil. from the formula Alberto Fernández-Cristina Kirchner, which he compared with the Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro regime.



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