Bolsonaro, against commission that will investigate the government: “The dictator of Brazil, it’s not me” – Telam


A conversation was revealed in which Bolsonaro asked to speed up the dismissal of court judges who were not aligned with him.

A conversation was leaked in which Bolsonaro asked to speed up the dismissal of court judges who were not aligned with him.

President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday dismissed being the dictator of Brazil, accusing governors and mayors of causing the economic crisis with his quarantines against the hospital collapse, in reaction to the creation of a parliamentary commission to ‘investigate the role of government against. the coronavirus, a decision to be ratified by the Federal Supreme Court on Wednesday.

“I am not the dictator of Brazil,” said Bolsonaro, who accused the highest court of allegedly empowering governors and mayors to decide on quarantines and curfews.

Addressing the faithful at the gate of Alvorada Palace, The president presented his complaints to the requests for employment and social assistance of the people who came to visit him.

“There are people who complain because the work has ended. It was not me who closed the stores. It was not me who forced you to stay at home. I am doing my part. “said the far right.

Bolsonaro starred in yet another scandal on Sunday after Senator Jorge Kajur leaked a conversation in which the head of state said there was a need to create another commission to investigate governors and mayors and speed up demands for the dismissal of judges not aligned with the government. .

Last week, Federal Supreme Court justice Luis Barroso accepted a request by 31 senators to create a commission of inquiry into the government, in particular into the deaths of patients from lack of oxygen in January in Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state, since the Health Ministry was reportedly notified a week before the collapse.

On Wednesday, the court will vote – approval by a large majority is expected – but the government was negotiating to set time and place limits at the start of work.

Brazil has 354,617 deaths from Covid-19 and the main affected states have been on lockdown since March.

Brazil has 354,617 deaths from Covid-19 and the main affected states have been on lockdown since March.

Senate leader Rodrigo Pacheco, right-wing Democrats and ally of the Bolonarist economic agenda, said the commission will be installed, although without a start date, not least because part of the ruling party does not want meetings are held to be distant.

Pacheco told the business newspaper Valor that “this is not the time to talk about political judgment, judges or the president”, with the argument of the health emergency that the country is going through, with the daily average of deaths. highest in the world: 3,124.

However, there was bad news for the president: there can be no commission that investigates non-Bolonarian governors since it is the authority of regional parliaments.

The commission was voted this afternoon by the Senate: it will have 11 incumbents and 7 seven substitutes and 90 days to conduct its investigation. In 10 days, the benches must elect their representatives.

In total, Brazil has 354,617 deaths from Covid-19 and the main affected states have been in detention since early March, although this week Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and São Paulo reduced restrictions despite the fact that all of them have more than 80% occupancy of hospitals.

San Pablo, with a population similar to Argentina, has passed 83,000 dead.

In two weeks, 93% occupancy of intensive care beds for Covid-19 fell to 88% due to the emergency containment phase, which this week returned to the red phase with the permission of course in face-to-face with a capacity of 35%.

Governor Joao Doria inaugurated the thirteenth field hospital opened in the second wave, made worse by the predominance of the P1 or Amazonas variant.

The vaccination started on January 17 started to have more obstacles along the way, as admitted by the Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga.

The official told reporters that 1.5 million Brazilians had not gone to apply the second dose: in Brazil, the Chinese CoronaVac, from Sinovac and the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca-Oxford are administered.

“There are 1.5 million people with the late second dose,” said Queiroga, who explained that AstraZeneca is most effective when there is a three-month gap, while with CoronaVac it is recommended. wait between 21 and 28 days for the second dose.

In Brazil, 31.2 million doses were administered to 14.75% of the population.

In Brazil, 31.2 million doses were administered to 14.75% of the population.

In Brazil, 31.2 million doses were administered to 14.75% of the population, although only 3.49% (7.3 million people) received both doses, according to information from the Secretaries of the States of Health, grouped together by the consortium of major mass media.

Minister Queiroga recalled that the Brazilian vaccination plan plans to apply more than 500 million doses already acquired until December.

“Pero no quiero ponerme metas, no soy astrlogo”, dijo al admit that no sabe -por no contar con las vacunas Contratadas- cundo el pas podr immunizar diariamente to a ritmo of 2.4 millones por da, in a step of 216 millones inhabitants.

The Brazilian government has announced that it will receive 800,000 doses of Pfizer as part of the global Covax plan promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The National Health Surveillance Agency has approved the Pfizer and Janssen vaccine, although it does not currently have them.

The Russian Sputnik V is pending approval, hired by governors and mayors and whose ally is the Brazilian pharmaceutical company Uniao Quimica, which has two factories to manufacture it in Brasilia and Guarulhos, São Paulo.

So far, eight out of ten vaccines have come from CoronaVac, imported from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac Life Science and packaged by the Butantan Institute in São Paulo.

On the other hand, the government is betting that the federal laboratory Fiocruz will manufacture 20 million AstraZeneca vaccines per month from May.


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