Bolsonaro against gay tourism, because "we have families"


Without hiding his homophobia, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro once again demonstrated his intolerance and rejection of the group of bad, gay, bibadual and transgender people.

"If you want to come and have bad with a woman, go ahead," said Bolsonaro, "but we can not let this place be recognized as a paradise for gay tourism."

He based his comment by explaining that "we have families", ignoring the great diversity expressed today by societies, made up of very varied family groups.

He said his comment did not hurt foreign investment but Brazilian families. He explained that he defends conservative customs and does not want Brazil to become a country of "gay world, gay tourism".

These remarks, made during a breakfast with Brazilian journalists at Plbadto Palace, were condemned by LGBT activists from that country. "This is not a head of state, it's a national disgrace""he says David Miranda, a congressman from Rio de Janeiro, in an interview with the British newspaper The Guardian.

Expressions of this kind are not new to Bolsonaro. Some time ago, he spoke "with pride" of his homophobic character and even he even said, before baduming the presidency, that he preferred to have a dead son to a homobadual son.

Less funding for philosophy and sociology

This Friday, Bolsonaro a radical change in university education with a proposal of disinvestment in careers such as philosophy and sociology for the benefit of others who generate "jobs and incomes".

The president announced on Twitter one of his campaign promises: to retire from humanities careers at the tertiary level.

"The role of the government is to respect the taxpayer's money, to teach young people to read, write and do accounts, and then to work that generates income for the person and a well-being for the family, improving the society of their environment, "he wrote.

In another tweet, he said that Education Minister Abraham Weintraub, "is studying the decentralization of investments in the faculties of philosophy and (human) sociology".

"Students already enrolled will not be affected. The goal is to focus on areas that generate immediate returns for the taxpayer, such as the veterinarian, engineering and medicine."explained Bolsonaro.

The new Minister of Education, born of two decades in the financial market, is an activist against the funding of humanistic careers in the 60 federal universities managed by his portfolio.

In a recent interview, the minister – who replaced the fallen Colombian Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez, famous for having hired Pablo Escobar before Congress last month – said the priority should be to look for other types of careers.

"We need to better choose our priorities because our resources are scarce. I love philosophy but imagine a family of farmers whose son entered the faculty and who comes back four years later with a degree in anthropologyhe opined.

In this note:

  • Brazil
  • Jair Bolsonaro
  • L & # 39; homophobia
  • LGBT


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