Bolsonaro against the revision of the dictatorship | The P …


Page12 in Brazil

From Brasilia

Delete all traces of the dictatorship at the root. Jair Bolsonaro disguised within a set of steps on several issues that ordered to end the work of a group of forensic scientists tasked with identifying the unnamed bodies discovered in San Pablo among which have already been discovered victims of the military regime. Announced at the end of the Army Day ceremony held last week, the "Omnibus Decree" 9,759 decided to put an end to the investigation into the remains found almost thirty years ago in the mbad graves of the Perus cemetery, located north of São Paulo.

Of the more than 600 corpses found, 85% are men and 5% are children. By the way, some of them are people who live on the street, but we have not yet determined the number of activists.

Ongoing work has shown that in more than one drawer, at least two bodies were found and that a significant number showed signs of violence.

One of the last identifications took place last year when the Ministry of Human Rights announced the discovery of the trade unionist and guerrilla Aluizio Palhano Pedreira Ferreira. Disappeared in 1971, Pedreira Ferreira joined the revolutionary people's avant-garde led by former army captain Carlos Lamarca.

Bolsonaro recently recalled that, shortly after his entry as a military cadet, in the 1970s, he participated in the Lamarca search inside San Pablo.

Last Thursday, in presenting the package containing several decrees, the president did not mention the extinction of the NN identification team formed at the initiative of the public prosecutor during the government of Dilma Rousseff. He did not mention the completion of the work of another group of specialists in Araguaia, in the Amazon region, where guerrillas opposed to the regime were murdered and disappeared.

These investigations also had the support of Rousseff.

Bolsonaro will never forgive the former political prisoner for his armed clash with the dictatorship and then, during his first presidential term (2011-2014), after having created the truth commission on the de facto government.

Federal Prosecutor Eugenia Gonzaga rejected the presidential order and announced that the working group on the Paulistano cemetery.

"We understand that the Group continues to operate independently of the decree, the problem is that we must renew the agreement with the Federal University of San Pablo," said the prosecutor, who also heads the Special Commission on disappearances and political disappearances of the dictatorship.

Leaving the Perus NN Cemetery Corps investigations without effect is consistent with the Bolchonarist obsession of convincing the Brazilians that they never lived under an exceptional government. "It was not a dictatorship," he said last month, during his interrogation on what happened on March 31, 1964, when President-elect Joao Goulart was deposed, under the responsibility of General Humberto Castelo Branco.

On 31 March, the "commemoration" of the main military units marked the beginning of the longest authoritarian experience in Latin America after Paraguayan led by General Alfredo Stroessner (claimed in another official act of Bolsonaro).

As a federal MP, the incumbent president added to his frequent dictatorial excuses for an attack in search of the identities of the remains of the Perus cemetery. "Those who are looking for bones are dogs."

At Plbadto Palace, he is now putting the state apparatus at the service of historical denial by ordering textbooks to erase all references to the oppression of the lead years. Although this project of the Ministry of Education has been rendered ineffective in the face of the rejection caused, it is not excluded that the measure is reestablished by an administrative trap.

The new design of the Ministry of Human Rights was also designed as part of this amnestic plan.

Since January, the agency has become the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, led by (presumed) lawyer Damares Alves. The evangelical pastor has put in place a hostile policy on state-run economic reparation to former political prisoners.


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