Bolsonaro and Lula have already voted: they predict the defeat of the ruling party – News


Lula said that his strength will recover during the municipal elections which take place this Sunday in Brazil from the great defeat suffered in 2016, the year of the dismissal of President Dilma Rousseff and the start of a right-wing wave in the main trading partner of Argentina.

“In 2016, in the State of São Paulo alone, the PT went from 68 cities to 8. I think that from this election we will come out stronger, with new cities to govern, in a message for those who bet on the end of the PT, “he said. Lula.

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The former president, who voted in Sao Bernardo do Campo, in Greater Sao Paulo, said President Jair Bolsonaro “is leading Brazil nowhere” and is “the biggest political disaster in the country”.

Lula voted and recalled that he could not do so in 2018, when he was jailed and banned by the electoral justice because he had been convicted of corruption in the operation Lava Jato by the former judge Sérgio Moro, then Minister of Justice of Bolsonaro and presidential candidate. in 2022 by a sector of the Brazilian extreme right.

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, also voted in a school in the west of Rio de Janeiro in the Brazilian municipal elections, in which in the “wonderful city” he defends the re-election of the current mayor, Marcelo Crivella, evangelical pastor of the Universal Church, Republican Party.

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Bolsonaro refused to speak to the press after voting at the Rosa da Fonseca school, in the Vila Militar neighborhood, west of Rio de Janeiro.

The president, according to the polls, runs the risk of suffering a political defeat because of his bets on candidates who have lost their impact in the polls since this support was made explicit in the last two weeks, notably in Rio and São Paulo.


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