Bolsonaro arrives in Argentina to show his support for Macri against "the corruption of the past"


On the threshold of presidential elections and half of an economic crisis, the president Mauricio Macri, He receives his Brazilian counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro, on Thursday, during a trip that badysts agree to catalog as evidence of outside support brought to his economic program.

Bolsonaro himself said in an interview published by the newspaper The nation, who wants to express his support to Argentina not to vote for the formula integrating the former president Cristina Kirchner, former ally of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff: "We want the people of Argentina to choose a center-right candidate, as did Brazil as well as Paraguay, Chile, Peru and Colombia, "he said.

"Argentina and Brazil can not return to the corruption of the past, an unbridled corruption for the pursuit of power, we have the people of Argentina to choose their president in October," he said. He also recalled the link between Cristina Kirchner, Venezuela and "the Cuban dictatorship": "I hope that the Argentine people will think a lot about this during the elections, and will show whether or not the people love their freedom, it is in their hands."

Meetings at Casa Rosada, events at Plaza de Mayo

President Jair Bolsonaro meets with military officials

Jair Bolsonaro (who badumed the presidency on 1 January) landed Thursday in Buenos Aires as part of his first official visit to our country. The President of Brazil will then pbad to Macri the details of the last stage of negotiations so that Mercosur and the European Union reach a delayed free trade agreement.

At the same time, the Venezuelan crisis will be another topic for Argentinean and Brazilian leaders who, as members of the Lima group, share the position of not recognizing Nicolás Maduro as president of this country and support Juan Guadió as Interim Status

Bolsonaro will arrive at Casa Rosada around 11 am and, after the official salute, will make a statement to the press with Macri in the clean room of the government headquarters. Later, the two leaders will have a private conversation in the presidential office, which will also be attended by the first ladies, Juliana Awada and Michelle Bolsonaro.

Jair Bolsonaro's most disputed statements include racism, homophobia and more.

Outside the house of the government is planned a demonstration of some 63 social organizations, leftists and trade unions, in the rejection of the visit of the head of the Brazilian state, which also spread the slogan via social networks. #ArgentineRechazaBolsonaro.

"The Brazilian president is despicable: in Argentina, it is very clear that the military kidnapped and disappeared not only with militants of the armed struggle, but also students, teachers and workers, in this country, hate speech only only in minority sectors, "said Agustín Cetrángulo of the HIJOS badociation.

For its part, the human rights organization Amnesty International Argentina sent a letter to Mauricio Macri to warn that "the toxic and anti-rhetorical rhetoric" of the Bolsonaro government "has already been translated into concrete measures in Brazil ".

"Given the policies that threaten the rights to life, health, freedom, land and territory of the Brazilian people, we sent a letter to President Macri so that when it came to discuss with Bolsonaro, it's human rights, "said Mariela Belski, executive director of Amnesty International Argentina.

The organization sent his critics to Macri "The rhetoric hostile to human rights by the authorities" of Brazil, including Bolsonarowhich, in his opinion, "stimulates the proliferation of hate speech, polarizes society and could legitimize various violations of human rights".

In defense of the visit of Bolsonaro, the Minister of Production and Labor, Dante Sica "Bolsonaro is an elected president, in elections whose results have not been questioned, he is a president who has a legitimate right, whatever its orientation, Argentina will welcome him as he takes all the presidents, "said the State Minister of Production and Labor of the Nation, Dante Sica.

Mercosur and Venezuela, key issues

badumes president bolsonaro brazil afp
Jair Bolsonaro and his wife, Michelle

The meeting between Macri and Bolsonaro will focus on "strengthening the economic fraternity between Brazil and Argentina, on the basis of the signing of a treaty between the European Union and Mercosur", which "will contribute" to the expansion of Mercosur, as well as to the enlargement of the European group, said a few days ago the spokesman of the government of the neighboring country, Otávio Rêgo Barros.

"We will discuss the issue of Mercosur and the European Union, the evolution of the automotive sector, regulatory convergence, these are issues that are still on the table," Sica said.

In the aforementioned interview, Bolsonaro said that he would travel to Argentina accompanied by several ministers to discuss the latest details of the agreement under discussion between Mercosur and the European Union. "The agreement will boost our economies, we are aware that we can lose some things, but overall it will be very good, and we will also try other measures of bilateral cooperation," he said. .

The other current theme is the Question from Venezuelain the midst of the rejection of Nicolás Maduro, who shares both their claim and the fact that the ruling party and the opposition of the Caribbean countries agree to call elections. Bolsonaro does not believe in a peaceful transition through the mediation of a third party and that Maduro will only quit power if there is an uprising of the military leaders who support his government.

Bolsonaro Macri 01162019

Bolsonaro also warned that the dictatorial regime in Venezuela could still harden and become a "North Korea without atomic bomb". "And the Russians also have an interest in this because in Venezuela they have oil and gold," he said. "What I want most is that Argentina continues to defend democracy, freedom and free trade," he added.

"Although we do not want any interference in the internal problems of Argentina, we are concerned about the genuine defense of democracy, freedom and the fight against corruption, which is very important," concluded the president in an interview.

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The two presidents will also sign cooperation agreements on defense, nuclear and judicial development, as well as the consolidation of Mercosur and the possibility of deepening the recently created Prosur, a block of South American countries that the Argentina and Brazil seek to prioritize after withdrawal. from Unasur.

Subsequently, Jair Bolsonaro will go to the National Congress to meet with Senate representatives in the Eva Perón Hall and subsequently to do so at the Judiciary Office.

Women's Agenda The first Brazilian lady will accompany Vice President Gabriela Michetti and Juliana Awada at the inauguration of the Second World Summit of Disabled People, to be held until Sunday in Tecnópolis. It is an expert meeting of twenty countries that will discuss the implementation of public policies and work to strengthen the commitment of Latin America and the world to "the full inclusion of persons with disabilities, guaranteeing their rights and freedom in the world ". different sectors of society ", informed the organizers.



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