"Bolsonaro believes solve the problem of weapons" | E …


The former Brazilian president, Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, felt that Bolsonaro is a patient who believes that the problem of Brazil is solved with weapons. This is the first statement that the former Brazilian president gave in an interview with the British BBC, the second since his incarceration at the headquarters of the federal police in Curitiba.

"Bolsonaro defends the state police, an armed state.Bolsonaro is a sick man who believes that the problem of Brazil is settled with weapons.The problem of Brazil is solved with books and schools," joined the chief from the left in a week marked by the signing of a decree promoted by Bolsonaro that eases the possession of weapons in the country. "I have the impression that Bolsonaro has no concept of the things he is talking about, he knows nothing about foreign policy, any more than he knows anything about it. economy, "said the leader of the PT in an interview with journalist Kennedy Alencar. For Lula, Bolsonaro has no method or strategy. "He runs after his son to put out a fire every day.I honestly do not know how your family works, but what is presented publicly is an uncontrollable affair.I hope he'll learn for the good from Brazil, "said Lula.

Lula was interrogated by the Superintendency of the Federal Police in Curitiba, where he has been imprisoned since April 2018. Alencar had asked to interrogate last year, but this could only take place on May 3 because of a resolution of the Supreme Federal Court. Last September, Lula was prevented from making statements to the media, but the President of the Court, Dias Toffoli, canceled the measure last April. The first interview of the former president was with the newspapers Folha de S.Paulo and El País Brasil.

During the two-and-a-half-hour conversation, Lula recalled with emotion what the Workers' Party (PT) governments did for public education: 18 new federal universities and 173 campuses. They also doubled the number of undergraduates (from 2003 to 2014 they went from 505,000 to 932,000). Lula then said that the war against public education in the country was aimed at erasing what he described as the immense legacy left by the PT governments.

Investing in public education was one of the tips of the former president of Bolsonaro. "If Brazil wants to be respected, it must take care of itself, not only with the speech, but also in practice, instead of saying nonsense, it should end its mandate by creating more from universities, by placing more children in school and by building more houses, "Lula said.

In addition to reviewing his management, the former president, 73, gave his opinion on the presidency of Dilma Rousseff: "Sometimes I regret not being more firm with Dilma to do certain things", he said without giving more details. "A person full of confidence like Dilma, when the car starts skidding, is not always calm to stop and say" wait, stop, hear, talk, "said the lorry. former president who ruled Brazil between 2003 and 2010. The PT leader further stated that the 2014 Cup and the Rio 2016 Olympic Games were "missed opportunities". "It was a badly used opportunity by Brazil, Brazil was already hated," he added.

Lula was accused of accepting a triplex in Guarujá (State of São Paulo) allegedly offered by construction companies to obtain contracts from Petrobras. However, since the beginning of the denunciations, Lula insists on his innocence while denouncing that he is the victim of political persecution aimed at preventing the left from returning to power. And in his last interview, he has not lost the opportunity to pbad on his truth to the world. "Someone must prove that this apartment, this damn apartment, if it's mine, it must have a document, there must be a contract, there must be a record of a payment something needs to be shown, "he asked.

With the same vehemence, Lula spoke of Judge Sérgio Moro, who pleaded his case in court. "He will not survive in politics," he said of the former judge and now Minister of Justice. And he also denounced for providing false information to the press on the Lava Jato case. "The press turned Moro's lie into the truth, why do you think I decided to resist? Because I want to prove that they lied," he said, concluding, "J & # I would love to leave here to have a debate with El Moro about the crimes that I committed. "Towards the end, Lula baderted that he would never give up the fight to prove his innocence.


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