Bolsonaro calls for a vote of confidence not to "return the PT" | Chronic


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonarospoke after appointing the Attorney General Augusto Aras, not aligned with the Lava Jato operation, and told his supporters that "If you do not believe in me, I'll fall faster and the PT will come back", former president arrested Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.

The appointment of Aras was repudiated by the public prosecutor, including the influential prosecutor of the Lava Jato operation, as well as by the former judge and the current Minister of Justice. Sergio Moro, manifesting an unprecedented crack in Bolsonarism, and led President Jair Bolsonaro to ask his supporters a vote of confidence.

Bolsonaro did not accept the three candidates elected by the Association of Prosecutors and elected the Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic, Aras, critic of the above-mentioned operation, which, according to the president. "This is not a radical environmental legislation".

In the midst of Amazonian fires, Bolsonaro said that "is favorable to the development of the country without being Shia", a branch of Islam used by the Brazilian president as synonymous with extremism.

The designation of Aras reinforces the breaking of tradition inaugurated by Lula on the advice of the former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, which had to accept a list of three candidates for key sectors of the state, granted by the bureaucracy itself. This tradition, in force since 2003, was broken in 2017 by Temer and now Bolsonaro.

The designation also puts Bolsonaro in the face of the government's most popular figure, the Justice Minister and former Judge Moro, who withdrew much of his power by decapitating the leaders of the federal police.

Aras is a critic of the notoriety and abuse of Lava Jato, especially since the illegalities committed by the anti-corruption operation set up in 2014 are revealed by fleeing discussions on the website of 39, Intercept Brasil.

This is one of the problems he was facing with Moro, a former judge of Lava Jato who suffered a few months ago from the power of Bolsonaro. The president, who had already planned to seek re-election in 2022, does not want a figure in his sector to develop to the point of darkening it.


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