Bolsonaro claims Israeli cancer spray would be revolutionary for treating coronavirus


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the cure “miraculous”, while Bolsonaro assured that “he has everything to revolutionize the treatment against Covid-19”.

“The test was done with 30 people, 29 went home healed, the other delayed and healed,” said the president, who admitted “it’s true” that it’s “a small universe of tests “.

The governor and his son Eduardo spoke from a beach in the state of Santa Catarina, in the south of the country, where they met since last week on the occasion of the carnival.

Eduardo Bolsonaro, head of the External Relations Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, said: “this drug is very promising for terminally ill patients, it is a study of more than 10 years”. His father corrected it by recalling that Covid-19 appeared a little over a year ago and that the previous trials involved people with cancer.

“What we are looking for is a cure with non-specific remedies” which can be prescribed “outside” conventional treatments, added the president, very criticized for his management in the face of the pandemic, which he underlined. estimated from the start and proposed all kinds of alternative substances, apart from those recommended by specialists.

This isn’t the first time the leader has used a drug designed for other ailments: he did so last year with hydroxychloroquine, a drug for patients with malaria that scientists have categorically disapproved for. recovery from the coronavirus.

“We define the delegation that will go to Israel to visit the hospital (Ichilov, from Tel Aviv), to see the EXO-CD24, which God wants to work,” he said.

He also said he was on a phone call with Netanyahu, an early ally of his government who visited Brasilia for Bolsonaro’s inauguration in January 2019.

The pandemic, which is in a second wave, has hit Brazil hard, infecting an estimated 9.8 million people and killing an estimated 240,000 people.

Vaccination in Rio de Janeiro has been suspended due to lack of doses, a situation which “will repeat itself in other important cities” in the short term, warned Carlos Lula, head of the National Council of Secretaries of Health of the 27. Brazilian states. last night.

Lula criticized Bolsonaro and the Minister of Health, General Eduardo Pazuello, for “not having negotiated the purchase of vaccines in time” which, he predicted, “could have very serious consequences, since the mortality curve will continue to rise “.

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