"Bolsonaro, closer to Nero" | Lula criticized the p …


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has compared the current president, the far right Jair Bolsonaro, to the Roman Emperor Nero. "Bolsonaro, it's more to be Nero than being president of Brazil, this seems to set the country on fire," said the former president in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel from Curitiba prison. "The word job does not exist in your dictionary, there is no word for growth, the word investment, development, there is no word to build, education, c & # 39; That is, all they contain is destruction, as if it was an invasion of locusts, "Lula continued. .

When asked if democracy in the country was in danger, he replied that he thought Bolsonaro did not like democracy, just as people around him did not like it. like not either. "The people did not choose Bolsonaro to destroy Brazil, and what is more serious is the soldiers who are with him, who seem to have forgotten all the principles of nationalism, to defend our borders, our people, our technology, our diversity, our Amazon, our water, our territory, our industry, our banks, our Petrobras, "he said. In addition, he recalled that the former commander-in-chief of the army, Eduardo Villas Boas, had ruled against his candidacy. "One day, when I leave here, I hope to have a conversation with people in the armed forces, because suddenly a commander-in-chief of the armed forces comes to the Supreme Court to say that I can not be a candidate, and when I leave here I will be able to ask because, look, if a general is not able to be a nationalist, if a general is not able to respect his borders he should not be a general, "he said.

The former president, asmismo, said that the right was not ready to be president of Brazil: "The elections have helped win a citizen who is not prepared.I sincerely believe that the Brazilian people do not deserve what is happening, that Bolsonaro is making the effort that he has to make, that he has the judgment, that he is leading this country thinking of the Brazilian people, in Thinking about women, men and workers, it's about being president, it's about being president, it's about being civilized at least. "

When asked if he was considering becoming a candidate again, he replied, "Listen, I think I'm still alive, I do not know if I'll be alive for four years." I think we have to produce new candidates, there are good people in the PT, outside the PT, I do not think about a candidacy, I sincerely think at this moment of my life, to solve my processes, to prove that Moro is a liar, that I am a victim of a political process, such is my desire.This is why you see here the face of a quiet human being. "


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