Bolsonaro congratulated the police who killed 11 robbers in San Pablo


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro congratulated the Brazilian police who killed 11 criminals in Guararema, San Pablo, while she was trying to steal money from two bank branches. Bolsonaro is eager to point out the agents for "their swift and effective action" and applauded the "work" of the members of the San Pablo Military Police Special Operations Battalion, a team that thwarted the Attempt to badault the Bank's branches make Brasil and Santander. The badault took place at dawn on Thursday, but the criminals were surprised with the known balance.

The president faces a remarkable fall in his image barely three months after the start of the government and seeks to reaffirm himself in security issues, one of the keys to his campaign.

The collapse is mostly due to the lack of legislative advances and the fundamentalist tone of some of its ministers, in addition to persistent praise for past military dictatorship.

The current approval of the president reaches 35%, which represents a decrease of 5% compared to the month of January of his taking office, according to a survey published by consulting firm XP.

The company Ibope, meanwhile, had detected a decline of 49% of its support in January, falling to 35% in the first half of March.


Bolsonaro hinted that he was about to dismiss the Minister of Education, Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez, a fundamentalist who said that history books needed to be corrected in order to eliminate critics of the dictatorship.

To make matters worse, rumors of Cabinet conflict between the minister of military origin and the right wing sector respond to the president's adviser, the philosopher Olavo de Carvallo.


The president had to leave yesterday to deny these shocks. But in the United States, US political strategist Steve Bannon, former campaign coordinator for Donald Trump and Bolsonaro ally, has demanded the immediate resignation of Vice President Hamilton Mourao, a general who is the main reference of the ministers of terrorism. 39; army.

Bannon has described as "unacceptable" the fact that Mourao "is trying to show that he is ready" to occupy the presidency if Bolsonaro fails to maintain his position, according to the Folha newspaper of San Pablo.

If Mourao is "a man of principles and honor, he should resign tomorrow morning to the post and go to the opposition," shot Bannon, who then left the Trump government, became the mentor of the world group from the right El Movimiento.

The expert on political strategy and campaigning was the main guest at a dinner hosted by the president at the Brazilian Embbady in Washington last month.


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