Bolsonaro could lose his driver's license for breaking the rules of the road


Driving a motorcycle without a properly positioned helmet "is a very serious (punishable) offense with the withdrawal of the permit card," explained Maurizi Ianuzzi, director of the traffic control office of the order of the Brazilian lawyers.

Bolsonaro made a motorcycle trip this weekend during the Easter holidays in the seaside resort of Guarujá, on the coast of San Pablo. The governor has committed at least two offenses, commented the road safety expert Horacio Augusto Figueira. "He made a useless roar (with a motorcycle) and the helmet was raised when he was traveling in a high-risk vehicle, if in the military zone it is necessary to respect the rules, why not do it in transit? ? "Asked Figueira. consulted by Folha de San Pablo.

The press office of the Palacio del Plbadto did not speak about the issue and did not specify whether the president had a license to drive motorcycles, the newspaper wrote.


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