Bolsonaro criticized Biden and continues to trust Trump’s triumph | the Chronicle


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, reinforced on Wednesday that he continues to bet on the re-election of US President Donald Trump, by attacking the Democratic candidate, Joe biden, to get “interfered” in Brazilian environmental policy in the Amazon rainforest.

“The Democratic candidate has already spoken twice about the Amazon. It is indeed interference.”Bolsonaro commented in an interview with supporters at the gate of Alvorada Palace, Brasilia’s presidential residence.

Biden has twice cited Bolsonaro during the election campaign as a Trump ally threatening international environmental agreements, as part of policies to reduce logging control and the intention to include mining on indigenous jungle lands, 60 percent of which belongs to Brazil.

Brazilian President has been saying for weeks that he trusts Trump’s re-election, to whom Brazilian foreign policy has been aligned since taking office on January 1, 2019.

“Everyone has a preference, I don’t dispute that, they know my position, that’s clear. I’m not interfering in giving my opinion. I have a good policy with Trump, I hope he is reelected and Brazil will continue to be Brazil without interfering “, he assured.

Bolsonaro said relations with the United States started to improve in 2016 with the inauguration of Michel Temer after the dismissal of President Dilma Rousseff.
“We have a good relationship with the United States. Before Temer, there was no good relationship.”he noted, citing the former president, who has become an ally in recent months.

The far right claimed that ”
There are people who want me to criticize the United States, to be an enemy of the United States, and to praise Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries that are not an example for South America. “.


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