Bolsonaro demands that his attack does not go unpunished


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has asked that the attack he suffered last September not be "unpunished", in a video filmed from the San Pablo hospital where he has been hospitalized since the end. of January because of the consequences of this attack.

"I hope our beloved Federal Police" will get a "solution to this case in the coming weeks," Bolsonaro said in a video posted on Twitter.

The Brazilian president has been hospitalized in San Pablo since January 28, when he entered to remove a colostomy that had been performed after the September 6 attack. The continuity of his hospitalization sparked a wave of reports about his health, especially after learning that he was suffering from pneumonia contracted at the health center himself. The doctors had planned to send him back last Wednesday, but because of pneumonia, they had to treat him with antibiotics and prolong his hospitalization.

On 6 September, in the middle of the campaign, Bolsonaro was attacked with knives and seriously injured in the abdominal area. He was hospitalized for almost a month, during which he underwent two surgeries. The author of the attack, Adélio Bispo, was arrested. He was a member of PSOL, left party.

Bolsonaro said in the video that "this crime, this attempted murder, the terrorist act perpetrated by a former member of the PSOL, can not go unpunished," and said confidently that the federal police will find " who or who "are the intellectual writers of the badbadination attempt.


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