Bolsonaro did not avoid controversy at 8M: he called women "rare gems"


Jair Bolsonaro has not avoided the controversy of International Women's Day Source: Reuters

BRASILIA.- In a week during which the President of Brazil has been the target of controversial comments, after sharing on Twitter
an obscene video about the carnival and having said that
democracy and freedom exist only if the armed forces permit, today in the

International Women's Day

Jair Bolsonaro

He did not stay in the center of the stage for a tweet anymore.

In the message written on the social network, women are described as "rare jewels" and a video of the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves.

To qualify celebração deve vir accompanied by proposals that we respect or that we feel to give more. Unfortunately, it does not depend on the mim so you can give directions consistent with advancement. Of all the reasons you are rare over the next four years, you may feel more represented. – Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
March 8, 2019

"We will do everything to make those rare gems feel more represented at the end of the four years of this presidential term," said Bolsonaro.

"Every celebration must be accompanied by proposals and it is necessary to respect the feeling of women," he wrote on his Twitter profile, which has 3.5 million followers.

Bolsonaro is a critic of "the ideology of the genre", which has prompted reactions from the Brazilian feminist movement that, during the election campaign of last year, had organized an event under the slogan "He (Bolsonaro ) No ".

Brazilian women demonstrate in the streets of San Pablo under the motto
Brazilian women demonstrate in the streets of San Pablo under the slogan "El (Bolsonaro) No" during the presidential campaign of last year. Source: AFP

The president, who took office last January, published a video in which Minister Alves denounced "every 11 minutes, a Brazilian woman is raped and every seven years, a woman is subjected to acts of violence, respect for the dignity of women is lacking ".

ANSA Agency


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