Bolsonaro faces worst endorsement by Brazilian presidents since democratic rebirth, according to Datafolha


Bolsonaro will complete the first 100 days of his term this week Source: AFP

RIO DE JANEIRO.- On the verge of completing its first 100 days at the Palacio del Plbadto on Wednesday, exhausted by scandals, political struggles and without substantial improvement in the economy,

Jair Bolsonaro

According to a Datafolha survey published today by the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, President Folha de S. Paulo has announced his worst approval after three months of government among the presidents elected for a first term since the new democratization from Brazil.

The survey revealed that 32% of those consulted consider the extreme right's leadership to be very good or good, while 33% consider it to be fair, 30% consider it very bad or bad and 4% do not know how qualify it. or he chose not to answer. Compared to the beginning of the first terms of office of the previous presidents elected since 1989 – when the first direct elections took place after the military dictatorship – it is the most negative scenario so far.

After three months in power, Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992) had obtained the approval of 36%, 43% found it to be regular and 19% disapproved. Two years after taking office, with a destitution process, Collor de Mello has resigned and Vice President Itamar Franco has completed his term. At the beginning of his term, Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2003) had a support of 39%, 40% considered him a faithful and 16% as very bad or bad. And Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) received support of 43%, a regular score of 40% of respondents and a rejection of 10%. Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016), her successor and flag bearer of the Workers Party (PT), got approval from 47%, 34% found it to be regular and only 7% l & # 39; During his first three months, he was disapproved of the government, but then, in his second term, his support disintegrated, he was indicted and his vice president, Michel Temer, ruled the country until In the next elections, in 2018, won by Bolsonaro.

According to Datafolha, after spending 100 days in power – the so-called "honeymoon" of each new governor, Bolsonaro's expectations of improving Brazil are the lowest since 1995: 59% of those polled s & # Expect their administration to be very good or good, whereas it was 48% for Cardoso, 76% for Lula and 77% for Rousseff.

Since taking office, Bolsonaro has been chanted as an investigation into suspicious money transfers and alleged ties to his son Flavio (the current national senator, former deputy in Rio de Janeiro), as well as allegations of embezzlement of public funds his social-liberal party (PSL) for his "candidate fronts" in last year's elections, which resulted in the dismissal of one of his ministers. The conflict between his military advisers and members of the most ideological wing of his government, confronted by the followers of the philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, has also caused serious erosion.

The president himself has played in the controversy with the revelation of an obscene video criticizing the carnival and the decision to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the coup of 1964. The economy shows no sign take off after two years of near-stalemate (2017-2018) and the worst recession in Brazilian history (2015-2016), and the government has not yet succeeded in stating a base of Strong support for the Congress so that its ambitious pension reform project can be approved as soon as possible.

"To get more support from the public and consolidate its government proposals, Bolsonaro must necessarily adapt to the position and the service rendered: half of the Brazilians think that the PSL politician works little and is outdated , much worse than his predecessors in a similar period, "said Mauro Paulino, CEO of Datafolha, and Alessandro Janoni, director of investigations of the company.


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