Bolsonaro fans came out to support


Thousands of people gathered in various cities in Brazil to show their support for President Jair Bolsonaro, who faces a non-cooperative congress, street demonstrations, a family corruption scandal and a his approval rate five months after the start of his term.

The fact that the president of the far right, who won the presidency a lot last year, after taking advantage of a wave of discontent with the ruling clbad, began with false steps pushed his supporters to call for demonstrations, in which Various requests have been raised.

Proponents of Bolsonaro sang the national anthem and waved flags by chanting the names of the officials in his cabinet. Many have said that Brazilian institutions do not allow it to govern. Some called for the closure of the Congress and the Federal Supreme Court. "We need to clean up Congress," said Neymar de Menezes, a 45-year-old construction contractor.

The president, who previously in his political career, had declared that he would close the Congress when he became president, said Friday that he was not supporting the call for closure. ; institutions. "It would not be good for Brazil," said Bolsonaro. "It's more mature than Jair Bolsonaro," he added, referring to the Venezuelan Chavista.

In recent weeks, the President has reported his complaints about the difficulties he faces in governing the country. At an event in Rio de Janeiro last week, he said Brazil was a big country, "but our problem is the political clbad". A week ago, he had shared a text from an unknown author on WhatsApp, claiming that Brazil was "ungovernable".

During a demonstration, many people have submitted claims, including the approval of the pension reform and a crime bill, as well as the removal of Supreme Court judges. and centrist politicians of the ruling clbad, which they say hampers the work of the president.


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