Bolsonaro fears that Argentina will become "another Venezuela" if Cristina wins the elections


The Brazilian president said the country's economic problems are due to Macri's "half-way" reforms Source: archive

BRASILIA.- The Brazilian President,

Jair Bolsonaro

, expressed today his fear that Argentina will become "another Venezuela" in case the former president

Cristina Kirchner

will win the elections next October in Argentina.

Speaking to the press in Brasilia, the ex-far-right woman attributed Argentina's economic difficulties to the fact that the president

Mauricio Macri

Liberal reforms, with which he proposed to save the economy, were only implemented "in half".

"Argentina has made the reforms in half and Macri is in trouble, and the problems get worse, the opposition may come back and we are worried because we do not want another Venezuela. here in South America, "said Bolsonaro, visiting Argentina. June 6th.

In addition, Bolsonaro warned that if Congress did not approve of the ambitious pension reform that runs his government, Brazil could end up as Argentina in a precarious economic situation.

"The situation will explode in 2022," Bolsonaro said at a breakfast with local journalists at Plbadto Palace. He compared the scenario to that of Argentina's weight, inflationary pressures, low growth and difficulties in paying their debt.

The pension reform project, which has been debated since the end of February in the Chamber of Deputies, would set a minimum retirement age of 62 for women and 65 for men. The Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, has estimated could save up to 270 billion dollars over the next decade and put an end to the country's growing budget deficit.

AFP Agency


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