Bolsonaro goes to Argentina for the first time with a busy agenda | Chronic


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, Argentina will arrive tomorrow for the first time, during a visit of less than 24 hours, during which it will discuss bilateral and regional issues with the President Mauricio Macri.

A source from the Brazilian government revealed that after nearly two hours of scheduled meetings between the two governments' offices at Casa Rosada, issues related to border security, trade, energy and defense would be discussed.

One of the key points will be the one announced by the two presidents "intention to modernize Mercosur " and the progress of negotiations for a block agreement of which Uruguay and Paraguay are also part.

Bolsonaro was Brazil's first elected president of modern history not to include Argentina in his first trips abroad: he traveled to the United States, to Israel and in Chile.

This Thursday's visit is a reward for the one made on January 14 in Brasilia by President Macri, two weeks after the inauguration of Bolsonaro.

Brazil is the main partner of Argentina, while Argentina is Brazil's third largest partner, after China and the United States.

During the January visit, the two leaders announced their intention to relax Mercosur by possibly considering a revision of the common external tariff and conquering other markets.

Border security is one of the topics that will be discussed at the meeting at Casa Rosada.

On protests against the Bolsonaro visit announced by the social and trade union movements, a source from the Brazilian government said Plbadto Palace was considering "part of democracy" the manifestations that can occur in Buenos Aires.

In recent weeks, at a meeting held in Texas with the former President of the United States George W. Bush, Bolsonaro warned in official speeches about "the risk of a possible return" of the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Argentina's electoral, political and economic situation is a key issue for Brazil's management, as Brazilian industry, especially the state of São Paulo, has Mercosur as the largest buyer of manufactured goods.

The first quarter of 2019 and Bolsonaro's government have disappointed with a 0.2% fall in the economy and the specter of a new recession, while betting that investor confidence in the market was favorable to the approval of the pension reform in the future. The Congress
According to Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bolsonaro and Macri, will review the situation in Venezuela and the situation of bilateral trade, a dialogue that includes joint investment projects in the fields of defense and of energy.

The agenda

Bolsonaro will leave at 6:50 am (at the same time as Argentina) from Brasilia to Buenos Aires, where he will arrive at 10:10, before moving to the floral offensive on Plaza San Martin, as part of the protocol of 39, arrival in the country.

In the House of Governors, President Macri will receive the President at 11 am, in a private session that is expected to last until 11:25.

Presidents and ministers will then participate in a working meeting on trade issues, Mercosur reform, defense development, border security and energy production.

The presidents will make a statement to the press and then have lunch at the Bicentennial Museum.

Bolsonaro will remain at the Alvear Palace hotel, in the Recoleta neighborhood, and at 4:25 pm, according to schedule, will inaugurate the seminar on the defense industry at the Embbady of Brazil.
Then he will return to the hotel to meet businessmen. From there, he will create his video program on Facebook.

He will sleep in Buenos Aires and leave at 6:40 am Friday for Rio de Janeiro, where he has his private residence.


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