Bolsonaro: "I am neither a dictator nor a dilmo" | Chronic


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, denied being a "dictator" and stated that he would not violate the tax law to avoid submitting to a political trial like the one that sacked the president Dilma Rousseff in 2016, justifying the new budget cut, due to the negative growth outlook for this year.

By decree, Bolsonaro cut $ 368 million from the national budget following the decline in the estimate of growth for 2019 and explained that if he did not take this step, he would be charged with violation of the financial accountability law, which is why Rousseff of the opposition workers' party was fired.

"I'm not a Dilma with pants," Bolsonaro told reporters justify the reduction, which will affect more strongly the ministries of Citizenship and Education, the latter being the one whose most adjustments are taking in management started on January 1.

In dialogue with journalists in the midst of political turmoil in the country, Bolsonaro defended the measure as "Small reduction of over budget."

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The Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes, had started the year anticipating growth of 2.3%, but badysts in the Focus Report of the Central Bank are expecting GDP growth from Argentina 's leading partner of 0, 81%.

"If there is a law, I must follow the law, I am neither dictator nor dilemma, between criticism and impeachment, I keep fit"said Bolsonaro, who pronounced the first the case of the dismissal of Rousseff.

Opposition and lawyers have warned that Bolsonaro could be the subject of a political trial for lack of decorum, with the new scandal that has accumulated on Monday, denying the veracity of the evidence available to the Armed Forces on the dictatorship (1964-1985), claimed by the former captain of the army.

Unions and social movements protested the reform (Twitter).

Bolsonaro emphasized the statement of his American colleague, Donald Trump, supporting the appointment of his son, the deputy and the federal police Eduardo Bolsonaroas ambbadador of Brazil in Washington.

"Everything is going on to indicate my son ambbadador"Bolsonaro told reporters he hinted at sending the specifications to the Senate.

Meanwhile, in the legal framework, Bolsonaro is facing the consequences of his statement about a militant who disappeared in 1974, father of the current president of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Felipe Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz asked the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that Bolsonaro clarify the "Offenses" made against the memory of his father.

Felipe Santa Cruz asked Bolsonaro to clarify the offenses in his father's memory (Twitter).

Bolsonaro said Monday that "can count" how did it go Fernando Santa Cruz and a few hours later, he maintained, despite the official evidence of the cremation of the body, that his fellow militants had killed him and not the army.

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This statement generated a wave of repudiation even from allies, such as the governor of São Paulo, Joao Doriaof the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB), which supported President Bolsonaro in the 2018 elections but declared "not to be aligned" with him, although with the economic opening agenda and minister Guedes' reforms.

Bolsonaro heads a government whose far-right social policies are combined with a neoliberal economic plan.

The prosecution issued a statement asking Bolsonaro to share information about the disappearance "legal obligation liable to penalties".

Former President Rousseff told the UOL news website Wednesday that part of the Brazilian elite "shameful" for supporting Bolsonaro.

"It's a neoliberal and neo-fascist government and this uncomfortable vision of the center, of the more civilized right, of the liberal right-wing center.They believed that they were going to protect Bolsonaro, the civilize it." Said Rousseff.

READ ALSO: Bolsonaro's controversial dictatorship provoked outrage in Brazil

When Rousseff was fired by Congress in 2016, Bolsonaro gained worldwide fame by voting for the dismissal by a speech in tribute to the former military Carlos Brilhante Ustra, the head of political police torture, which he described as "terror" of the former tortured president.


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