Bolsonaro insists: "With Cristina Kirchner, Argentina can end as Venezuela" – 05/03/2019


Almost a month after the visit to Argentina, Jair Bolsonaro warned against Cristina Kirchner's return to power, which was comparable to the situation in Venezuela.

It was at a ceremony with his Foreign Minister, Ernesto Araujo, at the entrance of the country's diplomatic service, that he promised him that he was not going to be there. There would be no budget cuts or cancellations as announced by his Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes.

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"The question of Venezuela is a strange (unique) moment," he said at one point, before going to the press, which he described as "expensive and necessary" – remember that He followed several newspapers, then came back to the crisis of the Caribbean country. "Something like" beyond Venezuela, the concern of all must become a little further south now, to Argentina, for who can take over the command of this country … we do not want, I think nobody in the world wants, another Venezuela south of our continent, "he said.

This week, Bolsonaro said today that the "Argentine brothers" are not voting for Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in the October elections, as a victory of the exmandataria could drag the neighboring country into a situation comparable to that of Venezuela. "The former president (Cristina) was linked to Dilma, Lula, Venezuela Maduro and Chávez, Cuba.If this happens again, Argentina would enter a situation comparable to that of Venezuela", said the head of the Brazilian state.

Bolsonaro talked about several topical issues through live communication on social networks, as he does every Thursday evening

He recalled that during the 2018 Brazilian election campaign, "we had already spoken" of a possible return of Argentina to the political model entered into force between 2003 and 2015, with the mandates of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

"I hope our Argentine brothers will realize this" when voting in the elections next October, Bolsonaro rounded

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In recent days, Bolsonaro, who will be in Buenos Aires with Macri on June 6, has repeatedly spoken about Argentina. This Friday morning, he tweeted "Good news: opening of the Argentine market of lawyers (lawyers) in Brazil.The first shipment arrived on 30/04/19 and two others are in progress.The market was opened after the meeting. Minister @ TerezaCrisMS bilateral meeting with representatives of the Argentine government, ocorrida em Janeiro "



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