Bolsonaro is mocked at Macron's wife on Facebook


The President of Brazil answered a message on social networks that offended Brigitte Macron Source: Reuters – Credit: Adriano Machado

BIARRITZ (AFP) .- After the
president of
la France,
Emmanuel Macron, states in public that he is not convinced to support the
agreement announced months ago between
European Union and Mercosur, partly because of the bad behavior of the Brazilian pair,
Jair Bolsonaro, before the crisis triggered in the
Amazon for the
fires, the good president was making fun of the
wife French people in social networks.

On Saturday, Bolsonaro supported in
Facebook an offensive comment to the French premiere
Brigitte Macron and asked not to humiliate the head of the European state. How was the episode? On his wall, one of his followers, identified as Rodrigo Andreaça, posted a photo of the two presidential couples and writes that Macron envy Bolsonaro for the couple he has. "Do you now understand why Macron is suing Bolsonaro?" He asked under a picture on which the two women saw each other.

Instead of ignoring the offensive comment that sought to emphasize the age difference between the two women, the Brazilian president raised the glove and replied, "Do not humiliate the man." Kkkkkkk, published by the newspaper
Folha of San Pablo.

This is not the first time that Bolsonaro says or celebrates an offensive sentence about the
feminine gender, in the past he came to tell a
Women that she was too ugly to be raped, this time the tension also increased in a diplomatic conflict.

Macron was one of the first leaders to criticize the Brazilian for his management against fires triggered in the Amazon. The French president said his Brazilian counterpart "lied" about his commitment to the environment and announced Friday that, under these conditions, France was opposed to the free trade agreement. EU-Mercosur exchange.

"Taking into account the attitude of Brazil in recent weeks, the President of the Republic declared that President Bolsonaro had lied to him at the Osaka (G20) summit," said the French presidency, Believing that "Bolsonaro has decided not to meet its climate commitments" or finished "
the biodiversity"Under these conditions, France is opposed to the Mercosur agreement (with the EU) in the current state," added Elysium.

The fires ravaging the Amazon have become a major diplomatic issue with multiple international repercussions, amid calls from everywhere.
lung of the planet".

In Brazil, the flames have already swept areas of the border region with Bolivia and caused dense smoke that increases pollution in the region, an ecological treasure of 5.5 million square kilometers.

Under international pressure and the emergence of new outbreaks, Bolsonaro yesterday deployed two Hercules C-130 aircraft as part of a large-scale military operation to extinguish fires. Between Friday and Saturday, 1130 new fires were declared, according to the National Institute of Space Research of Brazil. The majority in the basin of the Amazon.

The French answer

After hearing the news, Macron was consulted today by the Brazilian's comments and lamented his "extremely disrespectful" remarks about his wife. He also said that he was "
sad"for the brazilians.

Bolsonaro made "extremely disrespectful comments about my wife," said the French president at a press conference at the G7 summit in Biarritz. "What can I tell them? It's sad, it's sad, but it's sad for him and the Brazilians at first."

More comments from an official

Brazil's Education Minister, Abraham Weintraub, has defended himself in his own way and insulted the French President on Twitter, after tensions between the two leaders over fires.

"Macron is not up to this debate.It's just an opportunistic cheater who seeks support from
lobby "The French elected a characterless leader," Weintraub added.

AFP and ANSA agencies



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