Bolsonaro is mocked at the wife of Macron and the President of France replied: Let's hope that Brazil has a president at the height


August 26, 2019
– 14:08

The President of France has asked his Brazilian couple respect after being mocked by his wife

The dispute between the French president, Emmanuel Macronand his Brazilian couple, Jair Bolsonaro, he experienced a new episode of clashes on Monday after the general reserve of the army mocked the age difference between his wife Michelle (37) and the first French lady Brigitte Macron (66) through a comment. from Facebook.

On Sunday, a Facebook user shared a "meme" in which the two presidents accompanied their wives with the following sentence: "Do you now understand why Macron is persecuting Bolsonaro?", Publication to which the PSL deputy himself replied: dude, "followed by laughter.

From Biarritz (France), the leader of the G7 summit spoke about the attack on his wife:As I feel a lot of friendship and respect for the Brazilian people, I hope to have a president up to it."


The world demands urgent actions and issues Bolsonaro

The discussion began last Thursday after Macron shared on Twitter his concern about the spread of fires in the Amazon and announced that the emergency would be an essential element in the appointment of leaders that began Saturday on the French coast.

For its part, Bolsonaro criticized the remarks of the host of the meeting and badured that his action was "colonialist" Then, Macron accused his Brazilian couple of lying about their environmental commitments and threatened to oppose the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, which began to be negotiated in June. .

The Brazilian Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, who called the French president "opportunistic cretin", also actively participated in the issue.

"Macron is not up to the debate (on the Amazon). It's an opportunistic moron seeking support from the French agricultural lobby", He writes on Twitter.


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