Bolsonaro issued a decree extending the authorization to use firearms | Chronic


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, issued a decree on Wednesday authorizing the carrying of weapons on public roads and, in some cases, even in airplanes, elective politicians, truck drivers, intelligence agents, private security agents, lawyers and even journalists who cover cases involving the police.

The decision was published in the Official Journal of the Union and caused surprise, as Tuesday the president led an act allowing them to carry weapons and ammunition in the street reserved for hunters and sport shooters.

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With this new decree published, the extension extends to more than 20 activities or professions and will allow them, first of all, to arm politicians occupying elective positions during their term of office, ie president. , vice-president, governors, mayors, deputies, senators and councilors.

You can also ask for information about the person and give it an individual meaning. Decree Assinei two CAC, which flexibiliza regras on aquisição, registration, sale, carries e marketing of firearms of fogo for colecionadores, esitarivos esportivos e caçadores. Big day!

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
May 8, 2019

The weapons must be registered with the police authorities, but the bureaucracy will now be eliminated to justify the use of weapons, as it has been since 2003.
In January, Bolsonaro signed a decree authorizing residential possession of weapons in rural and urban areas, with a rate of 10 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.

The new decree allows all military, prison officers, private guards, lawyers, miners' workers and press staff covering police events to carry weapons.

Truckers were included, both employees as well as owners and independent drivers, a sector that is challenging the government for the diesel increase and the fuel price dollarization policy that was adopted by the state Petrobras.
From now on, there will be no need to ask "effective need" be armed but not included in authorized activities.

The decree is also signed by the ministers of justice and security, Sérgio Moro; that of the defense, Fernando Azevedo e Silvaand the chef de cabinet, Onyx Lorenzoni. However, this global authorization for the carrying of weapons had been claimed by the so-called "ball block", parliamentary group that defends this modality.

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Bolsonaro told Red TV that "citizens have the right to defend their property" and that the best model of the penal code is the United States, "where every state has its law".

We follow a path totally opposed to the authoritarianism, which always tries to disarm the population, fazendo to value to the popular sovereignty did not express a referendum of 2005. We badist mainly to the cidadão de bem, which is a law and respects the society.

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
May 8, 2019

The decree also authorizes the import of weapons, which were banned in Brazil to protect the domestic industry.

Specialists such as the NGO Public Safety Forum have warned of the dangers badociated with providing transport weapons and ammunition to hunters and sport shooters, who might have a different purpose. "The decree on public security is concerned about the decree because it ignores studies and evidence demonstrating the ineffectiveness of arming civilians to try to prevent violence at all levels." " he says in a statement. The entity asks Congress to debate the issue because "The president believes that public safety begins inside the house."

The distinctive sign of Bolsonaro, while he was in the middle of the presidential campaign, was to make with the hands the gesture of shooting with a weapon (Source:

The former National Secretary for Public Security José Vicente da Silva FilhoHe told the O Globo newspaper that citizens can get a sports license to arm themselves at home.

Bolsonaro usually quotes his personal case in which he taught his four sons to handle revolvers from the age of six and to enter elementary school. During the last election campaign, candidate Bolsonaro – the first captain of the army who justified the tortures of the military dictatorship – was to make the gesture of being a firearm with the hands.


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