Bolsonaro launched his plan against organized crime


The Brazilian government of Jair Bolsonaro and former Judge Sergio Moro have declared the "war" against organized crime, said the president yesterday in a message sent to Congress to mark the start of the legislative sessions. Bolsonaro, recovering from a third operation for injuries suffered during an attack while he was a candidate, sent a recorded message. His Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, was responsible for providing the technical details of the new criminal legislation that Congress should approve.

"The Brazilian government declares war against organized crime, moral war, legal war, war in action, we have no pity or fear of criminals, they have the guarantees of the law and these laws are more difficult "said Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro's message, admitted to a hospital in San Pablo after a third operation, was announced by the Cabinet's chief minister, Onyx Lorenzoni, and read by the first secretary of the Congress, Soraya Santos, before the plenary session of the House deputies.

Bolsonaro reminded MPs that the crime "broke all records" because of the "weakening" of security forces and "overly permissive" laws. Brazil records a record number of murders: in 2017, 63,880 people were killed, an average of 175 homicides per day.

The president said public power was "timid" in protecting victims and "expansive in social victimization" of criminals in recent years. "The most vulnerable were those who suffered the most from the deterioration of security, women, children, the poor and blacks were the target of the speech, but no coherent protection policies, we will not rest until the Brazil will not be a safer country, people can live in peace with their families, "he said.

Shortly after, Bolsonaro returned to a semi-intensive care unit after starting antibiotic treatment for an infection contracted while he was recovering from the third operation as a result of a knife injury sustained. last year. His sick leave will be postponed.

Shortly before, the Minister of Justice and Security, Sergio Moro, presented a package of proposals. Among the measures to be taken is to force convicts to start executing sentences once the first appeal has been rejected, to clbadify "militias" and drug trafficking groups among organized crime groups and to fight against the illegal financing of crime. campaigns.

"We want to be more rigorous with the most serious crimes," said Moro when presenting his proposal to the governors of Brasilia. Moro is known for his leading role in the Lava Jato case, which has imprisoned dozens of politicians and businessmen, including former president Lula da Silva, and charged with helping Mr. Bolsonaro to keep his most ambitious campaign promises: to fight against corruption and end the cycle of violence. Before handing the document to Congress, Moro introduced it to the governors, which, in his view, will be essential. In Brazil, security is mainly at the state level.


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