Bolsonaro: Macri has problems and problems worsen


The reference to the political situation of Argentina appeared in a commentary on ambitious pension reform that Bolsonaro sent to Congresswhich was approved by a committee of deputies on Wednesday.

"Argentina has proceeded to a timid (forward-looking) reform and now (Mauricio) Macri has problems and problems worsen", Told reporters Bolsonaro.

Macri has problems and problems get worse "(Jair Bolsonaro)

And immediately added: "The opposition can come back (in Argentina) and that's our concern, we do not want another Venezuela here in South America."

This week, it was announced that Bolsonaro would travel to Argentina in June to meet Macri, whom he had received last January in Brasilia.

Recent polls have indicated that Peronist leader Fernandez de Kirchner stood as the favorite against President Mauricio Macri for the elections to be held next October, although a poll may be held in November.


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