Bolsonaro minister of distribution prodictadura | Chronic


If there was anything left of the first hundred days of the government of Jair Bolsonaro were the controversies. The last arrived yesterday, with the dismissal of his little Minister of Education, presentable, who notably defended the dictatorship and even stressed the task of the drug dealer. Pablo Escobar.

The Brazilian nationalized Colombian Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez Jair Bolsonaro will try to gain some air by raising suspicions about his suitability from the moment of his appointment, so with his departure from the government. "I communicate to all the appointment of Professor Abraham Weintraub for the Ministry of Education ", the president posted on Twitter, where he also thanked the outgoing official for the "services rendered".

I am communicating to all, at the suggestion of Professor Abraham Weintraub, the post of Minister of Education. Abraham is a teacher, university professor and can experiment with music and prepare dishes for pasta. I take this opportunity to thank Professor Velez for his services.

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
April 8, 2019

The pbadage of the Colombian-born 75-year-old philosopher to the portfolio of education was tortuous, because, among other things, conflicts between different power groups led to a series of dismissals and resignations, like those three deputy ministers.

Corrigindo: Abraham may be on the administration in the regions FGV and MBA Executivo Internacional OneMBA, with title reconciled: FGV / Brazil, RSM / Holanda, UNC / United States, CUHK / China and EGADE-ITESM / México .

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
April 8, 2019

Controversial sentences

The words of Vélez Rodríguez made that his presence was badly perceived by the democratic society. The defense of the coup of 1964 was very questionable. According to the former minister, "necessary at this time", so he announced his intention"prepare a didactic book so that children can have a real idea of ​​the story ".

On the other hand, in addition to defining as "cannibals"to Brazilians traveling abroad through "steal things from hotels", defended the work of the ex capo of the Cartel of Medellín, Pablo Escobar. "He had reserved football fields for young people and a small library. In this way, young people do not consume cocaine because this product was intended for export ", he said.

In addition, in his inaugural speech, he promised to end the "aggressive promotion of gender ideology ". But the one that has ended is his reprehensible mandate.


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