Bolsonaro official ruled Alberto Fernández "a Russian doll"


Despite Alberto Fernandez put cold rags in the conflict, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Ernesto Araújo, presented the presidential candidate as a "Mamushka who opens and there is Cristina Kirchner, Lula and Chavez". In addition, he stressed that there is "no dialogue" with the political space that won the primary elections.

"With the line of President Macri, we believe that it was possible to revitalize Mercosur with a different approach.An approach that was at the origin of Mercosur: free trade between us, without the barriers that were imposed in the past, very active negotiations with others in the world, "said the official in the newspaper Clarin. Regarding trade agreements between the two countries, he said that "it is worrying that there may be a setback in this pact".


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However, the most relevant thing that was said by Araújo was the reference to Fernández. "There is Alberto Fernández, you open it and there is Cristina Kirchner, you open it and there is Lula, then Chávez, which for us is very clear. logic of economic rationality in these last talks, but the past seems very clear to me, "he said.

"What is the program of the candidate Alberto Fernández and the candidate Cristina Kirchner?" It is the program of a Mercosur used for ideological purposes, which was not used for its commercial purposes and which also denoted a lack commitment to democracy, "he said. In this sense, the official criticized the fact that Fernández visited Lula Da Silva in prison.


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