Bolsonaro posted a brief tweet to talk about the murder committed at the school | Chronic


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaron wrote a message via Twitter after the mbadacre at Raul's school Brazil from the city of Suzano, in San Pablo, where 8 people, including 6 children, were killed by two young people aged 25 and 17 who committed suicide.

In this regard, Bolsonaro has expressed that

View all celebrities' condolences of music attending a press conference by Professor Raul Brasil, in Suzano, São Paulo. Uma monstruosidade e covardia sem tamanho. This comfort Deus or coração of all!

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro)
March 13, 2019

"I offer my condolences to the relatives of the victims of the inhuman attack that took place at the school of Professor Raul Brasil, a monstrosity and a cowardice without size, that God comforts the hearts of all", the president wrote.

The Suzano mbadacre, the worst since a school in the Realengo district in Rio in 2011, where 13 people died (including the aggressor), takes place while Congress debate the Bolsonaro government's proposal to sell arms

For the Vice President of Brazil, the retired General Hamilton Mourãothe flexibilization of weapons possession has nothing to do with tragedy. "I do not see this question (flexibilisation)." Are you going to say that the weapon you used was legal? It has nothing to do with it.he said. In turn, the government senator Major Olímpio He claimed that the Suzano mbadacre would have been avoided if school employees had carried weapons.

Jaime Luiz Cunha de Souza, University of the Federal University of Pará, stressed The third that the murder of today "will certainly accentuate the debates on the liberation of the possession of arms".

For its part, Daniel Cerqueira, advisor to the Brazilian Forum for Public Security, told the media that today is "Only one of many cases showing the perverse consequences of the proliferation of firearms in society".


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