Bolsonaro received the granddaughter of a Hitler minister in his office | Beatriz von Storch is Alternative Member of Parliament for Germany


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, received in his office in the Planalto Palace the vice-president of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, also known to be the granddaughter of the Minister of Finance of Adolf Hitler.. Until now, it was known that the deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the president, and his colleague Bia Kicis, head of the Constitution and Justice Commission of the Lower House of the Brazilian Congress, had received Beatriz von Storch, but she herself posted on her social media a photo with the president in the presidential office. Von Storch argued that he was hold “conversations with conservative politicians, parties and opinion leaders” in Brazil “to win allies for the AfD”, the far-right and Islamophobic German party.

“I was deeply impressed by President Bolsonaro’s understanding of the problems in Europe and the political challenges of our time.”, stressed von Storch in his networks, adding that movements such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa or LGBTIQ “operate beyond national borders to advance their left agenda and push conservative positions against the wall”.

To successfully counter “the left which operates internationally”, the German deputy declared that Brazil “can be a strategic partner with which we can together shape the future”. The meeting between representatives of the far right has not been announced or officially scheduled at the Planalto Palace..

Von Storch, 50, is the deputy vice-president of the AfD, the first far-right party to enter the German Parliament since the end of World War II. She is also the granddaughter of Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Minister of Finance of Nazi Germany for 12 years..

In 2018, German police called for an investigation for question on social media about the decision of the Cologne city police to publish messages in Arabic as part of a multilingual campaign. Von Storch even wondered: “What the hell is going on in this country?” Are they trying to please barbarians, Muslims and this horde of rapists? Twitter and Facebook deleted his posts, which were classified as hate speech.

The Brazil-Israel Institute (IBI) released a statement Monday denouncing the meeting between Bolsonaro and Von Storch, alleging that represents “a step backwards in efforts to build a collective memory of the Holocaust” and an affront to the spirit of the 1988 Constitution.

Last Friday, the German leader’s meeting with Eduardo Bolsonaro and Bia Kicis, both from the most radicalized wing of the Brazilian far right, was announced.. “Excellent meeting with German Federal MP Beariz Von Storch. We are united by ideals of family defense, border protection and national culture,” wrote Eduardo Bolsonaro, who heads an ultra-conservative global entity founded by Steve Bannon, a former American right-wing guru represented by Donald Trump.


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