Bolsonaro released after four days in hospital – News


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was released this Sunday morning, after spending four days at Vila Nova Star Hospital in São Paulo for a bowel obstruction.

“The President of the Republic, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, was released today from the Vila Nova Star hospital; he had been hospitalized since Wednesday July 14 to treat an image of intestinal substruction ”, indicates the medical bulletin distributed by the hospital reports Sputnik. Press Agency.

“I had to go on a diet, I did what I had to do. I wanted to leave from day one, but they wouldn’t let me. I hope that in ten days or so I can eat a rib steak, ”the president told reporters as he left the private Vila Nova Star hospital.

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“I will be in the presidency tomorrow,” the president said on Sunday.

The impeachment of the president was announced almost as a fact yesterday by surgeon Antonio Macedo, after the president turned out favorably after the intestinal obstruction, which first prompted the evaluation of a surgical intervention.

The 66-year-old president was admitted Wednesday to “treat an intestinal under-obstruction” and “will continue the outpatient follow-up”, indicates the last hospital bulletin.

Despite his hospitalization, Bolsonaro continued to command the executive and very active on social media, posting photos and commenting on political issues, such as the investigation against his government in a senatorial commission (ICC) for possible irregularities in the purchase of coronavirus vaccines. . .

“The ICC constantly accuses me of being corrupt. I did not buy, I did not pay,” he said in statements to the press for more than half an hour and without wearing mask.

Bolsonaro also defended his former Minister of Health, General Eduardo Pazuello, whose management is severely questioned by the Senate commission of inquiry into the management of the pandemic.

“Do you want to overthrow the government? I have already said that only God will remove me from the presidential chair,” said Bolsonaro, who is running for a second term in the 2022 elections, for which former left-wing president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is the preferred.

Bolsonaro was hospitalized after suffering from severe abdominal pain and an attack of hiccups that had lasted for more than ten days.

Due to a stab in the abdomen during his presidential campaign in 2018, Bolsonaro underwent four surgeries that made his health more vulnerable to adhesions in the gut.

Bolsonaro’s health failure comes amid erosion of his popularity and political tensions, with suspicions of corruption in contracts negotiated by his government to purchase vaccines to fight the coronavirus pandemic, which numbers more than 540 000 dead in Brazil.


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