Bolsonaro relies on destabilization to save …


From Brasilia

Patriotic chaos. There were green balloons and yellow balloons, the colors of the flag, in the gardens of the presidential residence this Sunday when Jair Bolsonaro spoke in front of hundreds of people., some outside themselves, apparently possessed by the exhilaration caused by the proximity of their guide. “The Brazilian flag will never be red”, rFans of the captain roared whenever he hinted directly, or indirectly, in favor of a coup or against measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Not a week goes by without this admirer of Augusto Pinochet and Donald Trump commenting on their destabilizing plans. Destabilizers of their own administration. This, which seems contradictory in its terms, hides the logic of the conspirator who opens up the chaos he will use to justify a manu militare solution. Bolsonaro repeats that if the situation goes haywire, he will have no choice but to declare a state of siege or a state of defense.

Along with the bravado of the coup are statements that project Bolsonaro as a penny globally: these days he has recommended that covid-19 infected people want to do so. “

Shortly before, he had sent an official mission to Israel, led by his son, the influential MP Eduardo Bolsonaro, and Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, to purchase a nasal spray (“it seems to be a miraculous product against the virus”).

After so many crazy actions and demonstrations, he was framed on Monday by the World Health Organization (WHO). The organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, urged him to “take the pandemic seriously” and adopt “health policies based on scientific evidence”.

A few hours later, the president refuted the WHO guidelines by guaranteeing the martial condition, “We are one of the few countries to be at the forefront of finding solutions to COVID.” Crazy.

According to what has emerged, the WHO has formed a special committee to carry out comprehensive monitoring of the Brazilian drift due to what it poses as a threat to global health security. Brazil is the second country in the world in total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic, this Monday it exceeded 295 thousand, against more than 542 thousand in the United States.

But In the count of victims recorded every 24 hours, the Latin American giant has occupied the first place in the world for more than two weekss, far exceeding deaths in North America as well as those in the European Union. Brazil has already passed 2.2 thousand deaths per day on average and will likely hit 3,000 in April or May.

The steep curve that describes the increase in deaths in the statistic sheets is more clearly seen in the saturation of cemeteries like that of Vila Formosa, in San Pablo, where last Sunday there were four-hour queues for that. parents enter mourning ceremonies.

These lines were formed despite the fact that the São Paulo mayor’s office recently hired 150 new gravediggers and last week 100 graves were dug in a single day in the necroterium of Vila Formosa, the same that became famous in April 2020 when the newspaper The Washington Post posted on its cover a photo with dozens of freshly dug graves before the first wave of covid, which is largely outdated in this new phase.

Sent from god

In his speech on Sunday, when he refreshed his 66 years between colorful national balloons and a white cake, the former captain said, acting as a shepherd, “you can be sure my strength comes from God and also from you, only God receives me “You can be sure that our army is olive green and so are you,” he harangued the audience from which the slogans of exaltation of the dictatorship came out.

Bolsonaro lost the war on COVID because he is a poor strategist: he was blown away by Trump’s spiel that he was harmless. So, he scorned all measures to deal with it. He issued a decree against the use of the mask, hampered negotiations for the purchase of tens of millions of vaccines and launched a crusade against social isolation.

Defeated by the virus which devours his country, the option of the ex-soldier was to make this scourge an ally for his destabilizing objectives, choose as enemies the governors who have implemented measures to prevent the spread of the disease, reinforced by the high transmissibility of the P1 variant, detected in the Amazon about three months ago. These measures were cited in the latest impeachment demands against the president presented to Congress.

In Sunday’s act, he called governors “tyrants” and promised to fight social isolation by mobilizing the armed forces to guarantee “freedom” and the right to come and go.

Almost as this harangue was launched in Brasilia, a group of self-proclaimed army “reservists” gathered outside Bolsonaro’s residence in Rio de Janeiro to threaten “leftists” who advocate impeachment. It is difficult to believe that this paramilitary concentration, openly coup, took place without the authorization of the president.


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