Bolsonaro Revokes Government Secretary amid Sérgio Moro scandal | Internationale


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro dismissed minister Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz on Thursday, heading the government secretariat here. General Santos Cruz led the United Nations missions in Haiti and Congo. He becomes the third minister left by the executive in six months and the first member of the military, the closest to the right president. As secretary of the government, he was the responsible for the communication of the executive. Santos Cruz will be replaced by another general, Luiz Ramos Baptista Pereira, until here responsible for the command of the army of the southeastern region of Brazil. With this change of letter, Bolsonaro has seven ministers belonging to the armed forces of the executive.

The exit of Santos Cruz surprised the Brazilians while they tried to badimilate the scandal revealed last Sunday by a series of information published by L & # 39; interception this point to another front-line minister, Sérgio Moro, former judge of the Lava Jato case. After several days of silence, the president publicly defended on Tuesday his justice official, who was at the center of the controversy after the messages filtered by the digital publication, which places him in a position compromised, supposedly, for his life. directly interfere with the accusations against the Workers Party (PT, now in opposition) and former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

When the situation seemed to return to normal, the announcement of the resignation of Santos Cruz occurred. Since January, the official held a strategic position in the Brazilian administration, but his figure was exhausted after participating in a power struggle with Carlos Bolsonaro, son of the president and one of those who had contributed to the social network strategy, fundamental in the electoral victory of the far right. The government's communications officer had a different view of the president's son, who combines his task of advising Rio de Janeiro with dictating the direction of his father's virtual strategy. Santos Cruz was also confronted with the writer Olavo de Carvalho, thinker of the head of Bolsonarism and whose military was the target of criticism.

In April, the former minister gave an interview to argue that social networks should have laws to avoid excesses. "You have to be very careful that [la red] do not put a bomb in the hands of radical groups, one extreme or the other. "This idea provoked the fury of Olavo de Carvalho, guru of bolonaro." Internet control, Santos Cruz, control your mouth, you're a shit … "The president did not defend, and even made an ironic tweet about a possible control of the network.Peace reigned in the months that followed, but she is now considered a mere truce.

The consequences of the resignation of another minister of the Bolsonaro government are still speculated, losing the support of his more moderate representatives and opting for his more radical party. A risky maneuver for Bolsonaro, who faces a negative badessment of his leadership and who must handle with great care the scandal of Minister Moro.

The revelations of the newspaper The interception brazil they steal the prestige from the former judge of Lava Jato, it seemed so far from criticism. A poll conducted this week by Political Atlas on a universe of 2,000 people shows that the popularity of the owner of Justice has increased from 60% to 50% in one month. A dramatic fall in a very short time, according to political scientist Andrei Roman: "Moro has always been attacked but he never lost his support".

According to the Atlas survey, 58% of respondents believe that it is wrong for a judge to advise and hold private conversations with members of the prosecution or the defense of an accused without the other party knowing. The dialogues disclosed to date by L & # 39; interception and that were not denied by the minister himself, reveal intense conversations of Moro with the coordinator of Lava Jato.

This Thursday, Bolsonaro finally broke the silence to defend his Minister of Justice. "What he did[àsonstadedejugede[ensuetapadejuezde[àsonstadedejugede[ensuetapadejuezdeWash jato]This is not priceless. He showed the viscera of power, "said Bolsonaro, while treating Moro as a" hero of Brazil. "The avalanche of questions about the Lava Jato operation has however raised doubts among Brazilians as to the transparency of the process that led Lula to prison a year ago.In April, 58% judged their sentence fair.This month are already less than 50%, according to Atlas political. the former president behind bars rose from 33% to 38%.

Attacks on Moro after the reports of L & # 39; interception They also helped demobilize the virtual troop around Bolsonaro a bit. "The center-right mobilization, which has always been strong, has been abandoned for the first time in a long time," said Roman. "There is a fierce defense of Lava Jato and Moro, but it's a defensive stance and not an attack," he said.

Threats on Glenn Greenwald, "bombs" for Sergio Moro

The journalist Glenn Greenwald, L & # 39; interception, has become the number one enemy of President Jair Bolsonaro's voters and is already the target of "grotesque" threats, according to the communicator, since he published reports of conversations between the former Judge Sérgio Moro and the coordinator of the operation Lava Jato, Deltan Dallagnol. "We knew that when we reported influential figures from the Bolsonaro government, it would generate a lot of hatred, animosity and threats," Greenwald told France Presse. "We have received really disgusting, detailed, grotesque and graphic threats that are quite disturbing and that we take seriously," he added. The threats – received via email and on social networks – also go to her husband, MP David Miranda, his two adopted children and his mother-in-law. "We will exploit your mother's head," said one of the messages to Miranda, who mentioned that they had done the same with the councilor murdered in 2018, Marielle Franco.

The climate of terror is explained. L & # 39; interception He stated that only 1% of all material received from the anonymous source that had provided them with the message files of Lava Jato's attorneys and their communication with Sérgio Moro had been leaked. "There is a lot of explosive material to be published," Greenwald said in a radio show on Thursday.


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