Bolsonaro says he will not be vaccinated against coronavirus


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says he is not going to be vaccinated against the coronavirus and that the use of masks to limit the spread of the disease is “the last taboo to fall”.

Bolsonaro’s comments, posted on his social media Thursday evening, alarmed health experts, who said they could undermine efforts to reach essential immunization levels to stem the pandemic and could alienate producers. vaccines that negotiate with local authorities.

Bolsonaro added, however, that any vaccine approved by the Brazilian health agency will be available free of charge to the entire Brazilian population.

The president, who contracted coronavirus in July, rejected recommendations from most scientists and health experts to restrict social and economic activities, arguing that the damage from containment would be worse than the pandemic.

“I’m telling you it’s my right, I’m not going to get vaccinated. It is my right and I am sure that Congress will not create difficulties for those who do not want to be vaccinated.

A study published July 15 in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine concluded that social distancing can be safely stopped if 75% of the population receives a vaccine that is more than 70% effective. Tests have shown that some potential vaccines have a higher potential effectiveness.


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