Bolsonaro says there may not be elections in Brazil in 2022


Since the appearance of the former president in March Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010) favorite to win first round electionsBolsonaro shakes off the specter of fraud by defending that Congress approves the printed vote, a ticket issued by the electronic ballot box for each voter.

Bolsonaro told Radio Guaíba de Porto Alegre on Wednesday that may not accept the October 2022 election result.

If we don’t change the law, if this system continues, the vote count will have problems. Because one party may not accept the result. And this side, obviously, is ours, which risks not accepting the result“said Bolsonaro.

In front of the faithful at the door of the official residence, Bolsonaro defended the military dictatorship and said that no infrastructure work has been done in the country since the government of dictator Joao Baptista Figueiredo.

The complaint comes after the institutional tension created by the threat of the heads of the armed forces and the Ministry of Defense against Senator Omar Aziz, chairman of the commission of inquiry into the pandemic, who repudiated the “putrefaction” of the military involved in suspicion of corruption within the current government’s health ministry.

Federal Supreme Court President Luis Fux came to the crossroads of Bolsonaro’s statements about possible fraud and ensured that the elections were audited and that all parties supervised the elections.

The presidents of the political parties represented in parliament, including those from the base of support in Bolsonaro, ratified electoral transparency through the electronic system at a meeting held in Brasilia, especially since they all have defeats governorates and municipalities with this model.

Bolsonaro claimed without evidence that there was fraud in the 2014 election, in which Dilma Rousseff defeated Aecio Neves in the ballot. “The studies that we have done with the people who followed the vote show that there was fraud against Neves,” Bolsonaro said.

The vice-candidate of Neves, former senator and former chancellor Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, today denied the existence of a fraud: “We lost for lack of votes”.

Neves had asked the electoral justice to count the votes and never recognized the defeat against Rousseff, who pointed out this fact as the beginning of the destabilization of his administration, which ended with the political trial which sacked her in 2016.

Lula, who has yet to officially run as a candidate, said the only fraud in the Brazilian electoral system was committed in 2018 with the election of Bolsonaro on the basis of “fake news” while he was in office. prison, banned by a conviction of Operation Lava Jato, now canceled due to political persecution by then judge Sérgio Moro, later Bolsonarist minister.

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