Bolsonaro successfully operated on abdominal hernia – News


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was operated Sunday successfully to correct an abdominal hernia, the fourth intervention he's suffered since he was stabbed in this region a year ago, doctors said.

The operation, carried out at the Vila Nova Star Hospital in Sao Paulo, lasted more than five hours. It started at 07:35 local and ended at 12:40, the medical center announced in a newsletter.

"The procedure was a success … The patient will recover in the room and will have a stable clinical picture," says the document signed by the surgeon Antonio Luiz Macedo, responsible for the procedure.

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– More surgery. Especially for 5 hours, but we are bem. Obrigado to all hair apoio e oraces! Obrigado Deus pela minha life! Estarei logo of volta ao campo. Irruuu!

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) September 8, 2019

The president went on Saturday night to "correct" a product of the hernia resulting from previous interventions, which weakened the abdominal wall.

After being stabbed on September 6, 2018, Bolsonaro spent several months – he even went on his investiture – with a colostomy bag, which he had removed in late January.

The president was attacked during an election campaign in the state of Minas Gerais.

The aggressor, identified as a 41-year-old former PSOL activist, was diagnosed with a delusional disorder – a type of psychosis – and declared irreproachable by the courts.

Adélio Bispo de Oliveira is currently held in the psychiatric unit of a maximum security prison.


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