Bolsonaro took off his chin strap and exploded against journalists: you are shit


Asked also about his habit of not wearing the chinstrap, which he wore at the time, Bolsonaro took it off to ask a journalist from the Globo group: “Are you happy now?”

Already without a mask, and raising his voice, he asserted that “Globo is press shit, press shit” and with a few “rogue” journalists who “don’t help anything, destroy the Brazilian family and destroy religion”.

Regarding the use of the chin strap, the far-right leader insisted: “I arrive as I want, where I want and I take care of my life. Whoever does not want to wear the mask, must not use it”.

The president also complained that the media “do not report” on what his government calls “early treatment” for covid-19, a cocktail of drugs used only in Brazil and composed of remedies whose effectiveness against the coronavirus is not proven, such as chloroquine.

Early treatment saved my life (when he suffered from the coronavirus, in the middle of last year) and many reporters quietly say they used it. Why don’t they admit it?“Said the president, who also asked the press to” stop discussing this issue “.

Brazil is one of the countries most affected in the world by the health crisis and, after having crossed the barrier of 500,000 deaths, specialists assure that it faces a new wave of pandemic, on which the government also doubts.

The final solution, according to the Ministry of Health, will be vaccination, but the process is moving very slowly and so far little more than 11% of the 210 million Brazilians received the two necessary doses.

Last week, Bolsonaro spoke about vaccination, but to emphasize that in his opinion and without offering any scientific data, when it comes to vaccination, it is “much more effective” to contract the virus than to apply a vaccine.

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