Bolsonaro, unusual: suggests going to the bathroom less to reduce pollution


Brazil's president suggests people eat less to generate less physical waste Source: Reuters – Credit: Adriano Machado

The President of Brazil,
Jair Bolsonaro, proposed a very particular solution to overcome the
environmental crisis: eat less and go less to the bathroom. "It is essential to eat a little less if we talk about
pollution of the environment. This way, you will have to go to the bathroom every day and it will be much better for the planet, "said Bolsonaro.

The only drawback is that the human body does not work like this, which can lead to complications for the health of many people. Not everyone is the same and each body has its own pace, beyond the amount of food eaten a day.

"Some people go on a bowel movement three times a day, while others only bow three times a week," he told Women's Health magazine, Jennifer Inra, a gastroenterologist at Brigham Women's Boston Hospital. The frequency and number of times you go to the bathroom per day is the result of several factors ranging from genetics to diet and exercise.

For the proper functioning of your intestines, you must make sure to consume about 25 grams of fiber a day. This can be found in foods such as brown rice, oats, barley, wheat, quinoa, among others. On the other hand, you should always stay hydrated and limit excessive sugar intake. The same is true with the amount of coffee taken daily, since an excess of caffeine stimulates the colon and makes you want to go to the bathroom more often.

Do not forget that it is always advisable to consult a specialist if you perceive any type of abnormality or pain in the stomach.

The comments come after he was asked about deforestation in the Amazon, based on data from the National Institute of Space Research of Brazil, who had been interviewed by Bolsonaro. He justified the fact that the agency manipulates the data to give a bad image of the administration.



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