Bolsonaro warns Argentines not to vote for Cristina Kirchner



Corresponding to Brazil) In the midst of the Venezuelan crisis, which affected all of Latin America, the President of Brazil,

Jair Bolsonaro,

He made a categorical call that, in the October elections, the Argentineans do not come back to vote.

Cristina Kirchner

and to prevent our country from becoming "in another Venezuela".

"No one is going to get involved in issues outside the country, but as a citizen, and as a citizen, we are concerned that the previous government will come back to

Mauricio Macri.

The former president was linked to Dilma (Rousseff), Lula (da Silva), Venezuela (Nicolás) Maduro and (Hugo) Chávez, Cuba … If he came back, Argentina would surely enter a situation similar to that of Venezuela, "warned the Brazilian leader during its already traditional show on Facebook Live on Thursday.

Bolsonaro, who will visit Buenos Aires for the first time as president on June 6, was accompanied by the powerful General Augusto Heleno, Minister in charge of the Cabinet of Institutional Security, Luciano Hang businessman , owner of the giant store. Havan and by a sign language interpreter. It was Havan who for the first time made the link between the situation of Venezuela and Argentina, stressing the need for Brazil to approve as soon as possible the ambitious proposal for pension reform promoted by the government.

"We can not become an Argentina, we must approve the pension reform," said Hang, a well-known supporter of Bolsonaro since the beginning of his presidential campaign last year.

The president then spoke, then, for that he did not doubt, he attacked: "I hope that our Argentine brothers will realize it, if (Mauricio) Macri is not well, patience, we have to fight to improve ourselves or (vote)) to someone to align with him, but Cristina Kirchner can not return, in my opinion, the consequences will be for all the Argentine people and for us too, the vote possible in favor of Cristina Kirchner – I ask God not to turn our beloved Argentina into another Venezuela, and we do not want it. "

This is not the first time that Bolsonaro has attacked the former President of Argentina, but so far she has never done it so strongly and in the context of the upcoming general election in our country. country.

One of his sons, MP Eduardo Bolsonaro, chairman of the lower house's Foreign Affairs Committee, shared on his Twitter account a photo taken yesterday at the residence of Argentina's ambbadador to Brazil, Carlos Magariños, who had invited to an informal lunch

Workers Day

Após retorno da fronteira c / VEN[R][R] almoço c / Emb.ARG[R][R],
@MagarinosC, Nossa Senhoras. We are trying to unite ourselves commercially and as both countries can help to block and bring back socialism to power. ARG can count on Brazil to seek prosperity in the region.
@mauriciomacri – Eduardo Bolsonaro[R][R] (@BolsonaroSP)
May 1, 2019

"After returning from the border with Venezuela, lunch with the Argentine ambbadador Magariños and our ladies, we are trying to create a trade union and see how our countries can help prevent the return of failed socialism in the region. Argentina can count on Brazil in its search for prosperity of the region, "wrote the son of the president and vice president.


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