Bolsonaro was admitted to San Pablo for clinical treatment for intestinal obstruction – Telam


Bolsonaro has intervened four times in the past two years, following the attack he suffered in 2018.

Bolsonaro has intervened four times in the past two years, following the attack he suffered in 2018.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was admitted to a private hospital in São Paulo on Wednesday evening for clinical treatment aimed at fighting intestinal obstruction, an official medical report has reported.

Thus, an operation to solve the problem of the president of 66 years was ruled out.

“After clinical, laboratory and imaging evaluations, the president will initially remain hospitalized in conservative clinical treatment,” says a bulletin from the private Vila Nova Star hospital, where he arrived tonight from Brasilia on the recommendation of his gastric surgeon, Antonio Macedo.

Senator Flvio Bolsonaro, son of the Head of State, said his father was sedated and intubated in intensive care this morning at the Armed Forces Hospital in Brasilia, suffering from abdominal pain after a bout of hiccups in 13 days.

Bolsonaro published in his networks that this “challenge” has to do with the consequences of being stabbed in September 2018 during the election campaign, by a man declared unassailable.

The surgeon rushed to Brasilia and recommended the patient’s transfer to São Paulo.

Bolsonaro has undergone six operations since taking office on January 1, 2019, including four related to the injury sustained during the attack.

Bolsonaro, on social networks, again linked the left to the attack which, in September 2018 in a campaign that earned him unprecedented popularity and won him the presidential elections.

“It was a cruel attack not only on me but on our democracy,” he said, despite the fact that the federal police and the Ministry of Justice decided that Adelio Bispo, the author of the attack, was a mentally ill man who is now being held in a mental hospital.

Bolsonaro said in his post that the assassination attempt “was promoted by a former affiliate” of the Socialism and Freedom Party (Psol), which he describes as the “left arm” of the Workers’ Party (PT) “to prevent the victory of millions of people. of Brazilians who wanted changes for Brazil”.

The president is due to meet with the presidents of the Federal Supreme Court (STF, supreme court) and of Congress, in the context of the tension opened by him after threatening not to recognize the result of the 2022 elections., in which the loser appears in the polls, in case the electronic ballot boxes are not changed.

Bolsonaro told his subscribers on Monday and Tuesday that he had a permanent attack of hiccups for more than 10 days, which prevented him from speaking clearly, until this morning it was decided to intern him.

“The president felt a lot of pain at 4 a.m. and the first lady, Michelle, called the doctors,” said Bolsonarist journalist Alexandre Garca, of CNN Brazil, former spokesperson for military dictator Joao Baptista Figueiredo.

Vice-President Hamilton Mourao was traveling to Angola for a meeting of Portuguese-speaking countries.


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