Bolsonaro will govern from a hospital | After …


Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, will occupy his post from his hospital bed in Sao Paulo after the operation that he will undergo on Monday to remove the colostomy bag that he has been carrying since his attack. September. Its spokesman, General Otávio Santana do Rêgo Barros, explained that the ultradechista leader would enter Sunday to the Albert Einstein hospital and would be operated Monday morning, after which it would be "in strict rest" during 48 hours.

During this period, he will be replaced by Vice President Hamilton Mourao, who was already serving as Acting Representative during Bolsonaro's trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland from 21 to 24 January. After this interval, Bolsonaro, 63, will receive the ministers at the medical center. He will remain in the capital São Paulo until ten days, calculated his spokesman. "A whole structure has been moved to Sao Paulo to provide the president with the capacity to put in place an effective government," said General Santana.

Between his return from Davos and his hospitalization, Bolsonaro flew over the region of Minas Gerais on Saturday, buried by the rupture of a mining dike. According to a more than temporary record, the loss is at least dead and about 300 missing. Yesterday, despite the rain, the rescuers persisted in the search for the missing.

Bolsonaro was stabbed in the abdomen on September 6 by a former militant of a leftist party at a rally for the election campaign in Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais (southeast). He underwent a colostomy at the site and the next day he was transferred to Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, where he was hospitalized for 23 days and underwent a second surgery.

His attacker, Adélio Bispo de Oliveira, was arrested. The police investigation concluded that he had acted for "political non-compliance", but "did not rely on anyone's involvement" to commit his attack. Although there is no evidence to prove otherwise, supporters of Bolsonaro dispute the police version. The president himself stressed last Friday the previous ties between Bispo and the Socialist Party and Freedom (PSOL), in search of a political return. In a parallel case, the federal prosecutor extended this month's 90-day investigation to determine who had paid the attorneys for the attacker.


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