Bolsonaro's popularity shatters less than three months after his inauguration


The index of trust in the president of the far right It also went from 62% in January to 49% in March, against 44% who said they did not trust the president., a percentage that was 30% in January, says the investigation of the Ibope Institute.

The positive badessment of the entire government is only 34%, against 49% at the beginning of its mandate, according to the report. Ibopewho interviewed 2,002 people between March 16th and 19th.

The percentage of people who consider the government as "regular" from 26% to 34% and that of those who deem it bad or lousy went from 11% in January to 24% in March. 8% did not say or did not answer.

This is the lowest approval rate obtained by Ibope three months after the start of a first presidential term since 1995.

In March this year, 41% of Brazilians approved the leadership of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who was re-elected four years later.

In March 2003, 51% approved the first government of the leader of the left, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, also re-elected in 2010; and in March 2011, 56% approved the government of Dilma Rousseff, Lula's successor, re-elected in 2014, but sacked in 2016 by Congress.

Bolsonaro, a former army captain for 63 years, campaigned with an energetic speech against corruption and violence and promised an ambitious plan of adjustment to save the economy.

The margin of error of the Ibope survey is +/- 2 percentage points.


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