Bolsonaro’s son announced an alliance with the granddaughter of a Hitler minister | She is leader of the German far-right AfD party


Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of President Jair Bolsonaro, and his colleague Bia Kicis, head of the Constitution and Justice Commission of the Lower House of Brazil, They demanded an agreement with Alternative for Germany (AfD), the German far-right and Islamophobic party, during a visit to Brasilia by the vice-president of the German forces, granddaughter of a minister of Adolf Hitler.

Both received in San Pablo Beatriz Von Storch, leader of the AfD, first far-right party to join the German Parliament (Bundestag) in 2017 since the end of World War II.

The deputy is granddaughter of Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, Minister of Finance of Nazi Germany, But these references were ignored in the publicity for the meeting with Eduardo Bolsonaro and Kicis, both from the most radical ideological wing of the Brazilian far right.

“Excellent meeting with German Federal MP Beariz Von Storch, who is also Deputy Chairman of the Alternative Party for Germany. We are united by the ideals of family defense, border protection and national culture “, wrote Eduardo Bolsonaro, who heads a right-wing global entity founded by Steve Bannon, a former American right-wing guru represented by Donald Trump.

For his part, Kicis, who commands the most important committee of deputies and participated in acts that called for a military intervention in the Supreme Court of Justice, declared on the networks after receiving his German colleague: “Conservatives unite to defend Christian values ​​and the family.”

The Bolsonaro government has seen several episodes linked to American supremacism and Nazism. The last was that of Bolsonaro’s international adviser, Filipe Martins, who, during a Senate hearing, made a “W” gesture with three fingers making an “OK”, considered a key among North American white supremacists, a fact for which an investigation was opened in the upper chamber.

Among others, the most emblematic case is that of the former Secretary of Culture Roberto Alvim in January 2020, who recorded an official video copy of a speech on “heroic national culture” by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.


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