Bolsonaro’s son assured that his father would get his re-election very easily: “He is the liberator of Latin America”


Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro He spoke about the situation in Brazil, after the Bolsonian marches which targeted the justice of this country, and declared that his father, Jair Bolsonaro, is the “liberator of Latin America”, while warning that there could be fraud in the next elections, after the departure of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from prison. He also assessed the Argentine crisis and estimated that the Mercosur “It’s a burden.”

Interviewed in TN International, Eduardo Bolsonaro spoke of the upcoming elections in Brazil and assured that the re-election will be “easy” for his father and urged to observe what is happening in the streets, with regard to the massive marches of support for Bolsonarismo, despite the fact that the polls show positive results for former President Da Silva.

“Lula is no longer the same Lula, he went to prison, he got out because of a maneuver by the Supreme Court of Brazil. Of the 11 judges, 8 were nominated by Lula or Dilma. We use electronic ballot boxes and 10 or 20 bureaucrats in Brasilia count all the votes in Brazil. There is no transparency, it scares us. We believe there may be fraudThis is why we have been talking about it for a long time, we are trying to put pressure on the Superior Electoral Court – of which three of the judges come from the Supreme Court – so that it has mechanisms of greater transparency ”, he said. -he declares.

In addition, he said that the repercussion in the world is that in Brazil democracy is no longer threatened, but “under attack” and referred to the case of a congressman “imprisoned for speaking” and d other journalists also imprisoned.

Bolsonaro's son assured that his father would get his re-election very easily:

“The threat is not from Jair Bolsonaro. Before they left in 2018, the leftists said Bolsonaro was going to impose a dictatorship on Brazil, that he was going to shut down the press, that he was going to lock up politicians, that he was going to end it all. Yes, it is happening but not in the hands of Jair Bolsonaro, because the president is still talking about the four lines of the Constitution. I would like you to see how many people have been on the Internet so that you can make a comparison and see with your own eyes what the reality is in Brazil ”.

In addition, the son of the Brazilian president spoke about the accusations and complaints of corruption that his father is facing. “It is a country of 210 million inhabitants, it is impossible to guarantee that there is no corruption. I’m not going to be hypocritical and say there isn’t one here because it’s impossible ”.

Mercosur and Argentina

The member also spoke about Mercosur and Argentina. “With Lacalle Pou in Uruguay and with Marito in Paraguay, we are pursuing much more liberal policies. And in this scenario Mercosur is seen as a burden. We are not going to stop taking advantage of the opportunities that Brazil has, because we are a country with a liberal economy, on behalf of a neighbor like Argentina. We are trying to reduce common tariffs and Uruguay is also trying to do a lot more bilateral deals because it does not make sense to slow down this journey on behalf of neighbors who have not yet understood that the way does not pass through protectionism, ”said Eduardo Bolsonaro.

The official also gave his opinion on Argentina after the PASO 2021 result. “I see that in Argentina the same thing that happened in Brazil in 2018 is happening, the left goes down. People realize what the policies of the left are, because when socialism begins, the poor love it mainly, but in a second moment, they realize that they are destroying the country, ”he said. he explains.

"Take the corrupt out of the Supreme Court", the posters of the marches in favor of Bolsonaro.  (Photo: AP Photo / Eraldo Peres)
“Take the corrupt out of the Supreme Court”, the posters of the marches in favor of Bolsonaro. (Photo: AP Photo / Eraldo Peres)

In this regard, the deputy affirmed that “following leftist and socialist policies, the tendency is that the Argentina will have an even worse situation than today“, While warning that the country” will not easily come out of the crisis “. According to the deputy, the political and economic instability will last at least “a few years” and he clarified that “it is surely not with social policies or by trying to control the economy with an iron fist that this situation will be overcome ”.

Regarding the PASO 2021 elections, Bolsonaro’s son considered that it was notorious “that the right goes up and it is undeniable that, in the November elections, what happened now in the primaries is expected to happen again ”.

He also pointed out that what is happening “opens a space for people like Javier Milei, who are more to the right, so that the country has a liberal economy” and said that there may be the possibility that a “New right”.

Jair Bolsonaro supporters on Avenida Paulista in San Pablo.  (Photo: AP / André Penner)
Jair Bolsonaro supporters on Avenida Paulista in San Pablo. (Photo: AP / André Penner)

“Macri did very well because if he wasn’t there the Argentines would have another left-wing government. But maybe a space could emerge for a new kind of right wing to try, so I think that Milei’s figure is doing very well, ”he said.

On this point and questioned on his opinion on the opposition embodied by Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Mauricio Macri, he said against any leftist policy: “I defend the family, self-defense by firearms I defend that the State must be the minimum possible so that we do not have so much intervention in the economy, because any intervention requires a second intervention. So with all those who have these same flags, we can surely walk together ”.

Massive march of support for Bolsonaro.  (Photo: EFE / Fernando Bizerra)
Massive march of support for Bolsonaro. (Photo: EFE / Fernando Bizerra)

Venezuelan crisis

Finally, the son of Jair Bolsonaro gave his vision of the crisis in Venezuela and estimated that “it will begin to end when Maduro leaves power”. He also said that this country “is no longer just a dictatorship, it is a narco-dictatorship, a narco-state, and is a haven for groups like FARC, Hezbollah and the Cuban regimes.”

“There are a lot of elements that make Venezuela a very big problem, which is why the longest migration crisis in Latin American history is taking place, because Venezuelans are leaving their country because there is no there are more dogs in the street to eat. And the Venezuelans, 10, 15 years ago, never thought they could achieve this situation, because it is a very rich country ”, he concluded.


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