Bolsonaro's son is laughing at the LGBT community with a controversial shirt | Chronic


Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of I have r President of Brazil, caused a sensation for a publication in his social networks in which he is seen wearing a controversial t-shirt. In the video, he appears wearing a black t-shirt with the abbreviation LGBT explained in a way that he defines as "update".

"The LGBT concept has been successfully updated by an Ecuadorian living in Argentina and who offered me this jersey here in Brazil", commented the Brazilian deputy before wondering if his supporters appreciate this design.

Each letter of the LGBT abbreviation – used to identify the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community – is in this case deciphered in a new way and is accompanied by the corresponding illustration. Thus, the letter "L" is "Lyberty" (freedom), the "G" is "Guns" (weapons), the "B" is Bolsonaro and the "T" is Trump.

While the publication of the MP caused a great indignation among Twitter users; as well as among the members or sympathizers of the LGBT movement, 11,000 users also appreciated the publication.

The photo of the controversy.


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