Bomb panic that exploded at the Irish border | Chronic


Police in Northern Ireland announced on Monday that a bomb had exploded near the border with the Republic of Ireland, without doing any injuries. For this reason, he accused detachments of the former IRA guerrillas from attempting to attack the security forces.

The Chief of Police of Northern Ireland, Simon Byrnesentenced on "sinister attack" and explained that the officials had placed a false explosive device in the area last Sunday to lure the police and detonate the bomb, according to the news agency EFE.

During the same press conference, the number two local police, Stephen Martin, said: "The Continuity IRA (a rebel group that has not accepted the disarmament of the IRA) has been around for a long time, but I think it's appropriate to say that its level of activity has increased this year. "

"We should not take our peace for granted," said Deputy Chief of Police Stephen Martin. He says there are "small groups of determined people who present a real risk and danger". I made his comments by addressing the media about the Newtownbutler blast.

– NI Police Service (@PoliceServiceNI)
August 19, 2019

"Some people in our community know who did this.My message is simple: please, go ahead and do what is right, offer the police information that will allow us to translate the culprits. in justice."he added.

Deputy Chief of Police Stephen Martin said the officers present at the scene had heard of an "exceptionally strong explosion" in Newtownbutler. He thinks this attack was perpetrated by the Continuity IRA or the New IRA.

– NI Police Service (@PoliceServiceNI)
August 19, 2019

For the Norwegian police, this is the fifth attack of this armed group and other detachments of the IRA against the security forces. The escalation of violence denounced by the police has entered a great political instability in the country and especially in the region.

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In January 2017, the autonomous Norwegian government in power split between Sinn Féin and the Democratic Unionist Party fell. Since then, efforts to recover the coalition have failed. At the same time, the approval of the exit of the European Union (EU) at the polls in the UK has put the Irish conflict at the center of the British and European debate.

It is not yet known how London and Brussels will be able to reach the exit of the EU country without restoring a hard border on the Irish island and possibly fueling again the tensions that have fueled the armed conflict repeatedly.


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