Bonadio asked for help from Britain to find Daniel Muñoz's money


Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

The federal judge

Claudio Bonadio

sent a warrant to the United Kingdom's judicial authorities, with the aim of making progress in the search for badets and money allegedly related to the laundering maneuvers which had the deceased as their protagonist

Daniel Muñoz,

former secretary of



Cristina Kirchner.

The magistrate requested the intervention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to address the warrant to "the relevant competent judicial authority in the territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland of the North ", as stated in the Telam Agency's judicial brief.

The mandate is for the competent judicial authorities in the British Isles to bind "a formal embargo for the eventual seizure of badets and bank accounts" related to the widow of Muñoz,

Carolina Pochetti,

and other alleged members of the former private secretary of former President Nestor Kirchner.

The magistrate further explained that the information came from the statements of Pochetti and other repentants who were the subject of an investigation for money laundering in a detachment of the known cause. under the name of

notebooks of bribes.

The repentants agreed that part of the wealth managed by Muñoz was invested in properties located in the British Isles and that these movements had taken place before the death of the former presidential secretary of a cancer , at a time when his name seemed linked

Panama Papers.


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