Border closures around the world due to the advance of the Delta variant


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More than a hundred countries have closed their borders to prevent the more virulent and contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus from spreading uncontrollably, while many more are keeping them open, albeit with some restrictions. Only five have a fully activated input.

The rapid spread of the coronavirus mutation has prompted several European countries to reinstate travel quarantines, while several cities in Australia are stranded by an epidemic and Japan, in preparation for the Olympics, faces infections among athletes arriving from abroad.

The variant is worrying even in countries that have made the furthest progress in their vaccination campaign, such as the UK, where despite the fact that nearly half of the population has already received the full directive, the government has been forced to postpone the month-long vaccination campaign lifted travel restrictions as new infections doubled in less than 10 days.

All of Europe is on the yellow list of the British epidemiological fire, with the sole exception of Gibraltar, the Balearic Islands and Malta.

In other words, the UK will not allow its citizens to travel to any of their preferred summer destinations unless they first undergo one test at the home airport and two more on their return, in at the same time that it will require quarantine on their return. . of your vacation.


Spain, for its part, allows entry to all travelers who present a health document certifying that they meet some of the three conditions: complete schedule with one of the vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA ) or WHO, negative test within 48 hours before travel or certificate of recovery from illness.


Germany, meanwhile, has banned entry to travelers from Portugal and Russia, who will only be admitted if they are German or have a residence permit in the country. In any case, they must quarantine themselves.


France, for its part, only opens the doors to European citizens and those of a limited number of countries who must submit to a negative test to enter and isolate themselves upon arrival.

United States

The United States receives travelers from most countries and requires them to test negative. Some states are calling for quarantine.


China, for its part, keeps its borders closed to foreigners without a residence permit and only allows the entry of its nationals with a negative test carried out in the previous 72 hours in addition to forcing them to quarantine themselves.


Japan, which has been planning its strategy for organizing the Tokyo Olympics since the start of the year, suspended last year due to the pandemic, is banning the entry of foreigners, except residents or essential humanitarian cases.

Despite the care, in recent weeks he has detected several cases of Covid-19 in foreign athletes already present in the country.


Thailand is one of the strictest: land borders are closed, but international flights arrive. Travelers need an entry permit issued by the embassy and must always self-quarantine at government-authorized, self-paid hotels, in addition to showing a negative test and travel and health insurance.


In the region, Chile stood out this week by renewing the border closure that was already in force in the country for non-resident foreigners and by restricting the departure of their nationals, who will only be able to leave the country. for essential business and on their return, they will be forced to quarantine themselves.

In all other cases, the government has warned that “the person who leaves is not coming back”.


Brazil, for its part, allows entry upon presentation of a negative test carried out 72 hours before and in some cities quarantine is required, as does Bolivia.

Paraguay, Peru and Colombia

Paraguay, Peru and Colombia, meanwhile, allow entry to anyone who tests negative. In the case of the first two this must be done 72 hours in advance while in the last case it is done a few hours before and if the result is not ready the airlines can accept them, but they must be tested and quarantined on arrival.


Ecuador requires a negative test no more than 96 hours in advance or a certificate of full vaccination and quarantine on arrival.

According to a report by the United Nations World Tourism Organization and the Conference on Trade and Development, the tourism industry will lose $ 4 trillion globally and will not return to pre-pandemic levels before 2023.

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